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Bug report: Super moves seem to be instantly ending the match most of the time they're used in my game. Someone can be at 3/4 health and it'll drop to zero suddenly.


One other request - Can we have an AI Surrender Option set on what health they surrender at - ranging from off to less than 25% or whatever max heath you feel is appropriate?


Also - I wonder if anyone else is is getting a DMP file every time they need to continue with the Story mode in the Tournament?


I've noticed this too, It's causing extremely short matches, which are no fun at all :(


i've got this message when i'm try to play matches . "An error has occurred! A dump file ending in .dmp is created in the app directory. Send the file to the developer for debugging :)"


Really nice update. Are the current options for personalized dialogues the only ones that are gonna be present in the final game? I feel like as there is "critic, serious and minor in pinch", there should be something similar for the "start grab" option. Start minor grab, serious grab and critical grab, or something like that.


I have also noticed there are some poses/animations that are not available in the H-lab, but looks like they are either incomplete or supposed to be for 2 people or even against 2 people. Is that supposed to be like that? Are those things you are working on or things that should not be there?


there are certainly unused animations. Those are not necessarily WIP and could be for an older idea/mechanic that were dropped.