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Now, now, before the panic, no progress is lost. I has backup files + PC.

There was something that the win10 updater doesnt like about my SSD + HDD setup and it trashed the win10 install on the SSD. And win10 just wouldn't boot. So after some time trying to fix it what it comes down to is probably need to re-install win10. I am not a Windows wizard sadly. But like I said, have backup files so its only a "minor" hiccup. Still annoying tho.

Anyways progress on the Adventure Mode is going well, currently working on having enemies "spawn" from outside of camera view and have the stage transitions working. 



I had a gaming laptop with wins 7 where i would always update my windows and over time i think it messed it up big time, every once in awhile it would freeze up or blue screen out of no where. I got a new desktop gaming rig wit wins 8.1 because i just don't trust M$oft anymore. I quit doing the updates entirely and never looked back. Keep my anti-virus up to date and that's it lol

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

And that's why I'm still on Windows 7. Although apparently another person has had problems with it, so I don't know if my computer is safe any more.