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     Its has been more than a week since this poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8146806 and I think that's enough time to start drawing some conclusions.   

    First of all that I am a bit sad/disappointed that the demand for more wrestling content is so low. The wrestling holds are not exactly easy to animate. In fact, they are more difficult than sex positions because of all the intricate locking of limbs and various body parts. 

   Now, I am not sure if this is because the game already had enough wrestling content and people wanted to see more of other stuff or its because wrestling itself is a small niche. Either way, the signal I am getting is that people want to see more of non-wrestling content, and that will be the focus from now (correct me if I'm wrong). 

     More futa content is by far the most voted for thing. To this end, the majority of the 6th girl's holds will be futa-to-female moves (around 6). In addition, the next patch shall have RNGed futa girls for the futa fans AND open sandal for the Foot Clan. 

     I have some ideas on how to implement female-to-futa moves but that will have to come at a later time due to many difficulties associated with them. The demand for futa-to-futa moves is rather low but I can certainly do a couple when the time comes. 

     There is a public mirror poll in the blog (http://enlit3d.blogspot.com) as well and the result is very similar, except that there is a much stronger demand for female-female moves. Now, because blogspot polls are less reliable than Patreon polls (no guarantee that 1 person = 1 vote) I am not sure how significant this difference is. It could be that futa-fans are more likely to be supportive? Either way, fear not, there will be a non-futa version of Nyaa-Chan as well to make the yuri fans happy :). 



Moar wrestling stuff is pretty vague. So you don't know what you'd get by picking it. I think the wrestling theme is a huge part of the appeal of this. Everything else is extra stuff that seems cool. Regardless of what polls might say, you need to keep working on the core gameplay alongside any other changes. Anyway, stuff like 'yuri gangbang' essentially means that you'll need to implement 2v1 wrestling moves anyway.


Does it? I thought it implies submissions and throws + wrestling themed combat abilities. "Yuri gangbang" totally could be just regular 3P yuri sex without "wrestling" attached to it.


Well the game already has that right? So what exactly were to plannig to add? Though like I said, the game will only work out if you keep improving the core gameplay. I figured the gangbang was just going to be group H attacks. And mechanically that should be the same as group wrestling moves.


I prefer to win combat via pleasure. fucking someone into submitions as a futanari is just fucking hot to me. I love that its possible in your game. Wrestelings never been somthing i have liked. For me throws and "submissive attacks" are too harsh, i dont wanna dislocate or break any bones(theoretically) if i can "peacefully" win by sex i will. I find that idea fun! I could gather some "fem dominate futa" inspiration if you need it, maybe do some more of that 3d stuff i did before? Eh, could be fun.


Like someone else said, i like the win the fight by pleasure, but the catfight/wrestling part is my fetish and what draws me to this game. I am excited for the changes coming,


There are many H-games, but there are very few wrestling stuff. It is impossible to follow everybody's opinions. you will develop according to your opinions. Cheer up!


My .02 cents. The game at it's core started out a wrestling game. That's pretty rare as has been mentioned. I don't think wrestling should have even been an option in the poll since that's what you wanted to create in the first place. Any other material should be a bonus and dependent on what you enjoy creating most.


The catfight/sexfight aspect isnt going away. The question is whether to add MORE wrestling content or other stuff, like futa-sex-moves.


The question is not whether to remove existing wrestling content. Its that in the future, choose between/do more of wrestling stuff or sex-fight (futa) stuff.


Secondly, I can tell you what's happening with your game is what appeared to happen to Toffi's games as well. Started off female wrestling games and was taken over by people that enjoy futa. His place soon became futa central by said people dominating any and all polls that he opened up. You've now been infected. I would hate for this game to be taken over completely, but I feel a tipping point may be approaching if others don't start speaking up. This is just my opinion, if futa is your bag continue to knock yourselves out, but I remain very thankful that it is optional content at this point. You've done a remarkable job with the game by the way Enlit3D. It's really fun.


Im not sure if I agree with that. I followed Toffi's games too from PotR and I think he is a futa + foot job fan, and his games and audience reflects that. Although the Foot Clan is upon us too... As for futa content, it shall always be optional as promised earlier in development.


Although I enjoy futa I like the whole wrestling theming and the moves that are already in the game, I would love if you kept adding to it but I guess most of the supporters want to expand the H moves first, maybe do another poll after a while?


Yea that sounds reasonable. An issue that I didnt mention is that we are beginning to run out of "believable" wrestling holds. Take Rumble Roses or the newest WWE, so many moves there are like "huh? wtf?" I know because I looked there for inspiration :P


I would like to see more wrestling content, the problem is, i don't know what you could even add. Its got a really good core currently and for sex moves you seem to be adding what i felt was lacking with the bj,69, etc.


Real wrestling is taking a real deep turn into the ridiculous side of things haha, japanese wrestling always was like that I guess it sorta leaked to western wrestling.


Yea thats a big problem too. I looked at Rumble Roses and WWE for inspiration and so many moves there are like "huh? wtf?"


That very well may be. I would definitely not claim to know that stuff for certain. Just commenting on appearances from an outside perspective.


That is definitely understood. My vote has clearly been cast, ha!


A standing side headlock with her opponent's face jammed into the side of her breast would be nice. A head scissors on the ground with her opponent's face jammed in her crotch would be another idea although perhaps those would be H-moves. I think there is a lot of potential crossover between the H-moves and wrestling moves as someone has mentioned before.


The poll was good for seeing what people want to see next, but not so good for what they want to see out of the game overall. As for me, there were a few features I felt the game was lacking in, and I would like to see those areas get more before seeing more of what we already have. Long term, I'd like to see more of pretty much everything on the poll.


I'd like more h-moves, yeah, but there should be more throws and blows. Some crotch shots and low blows wouldn't go amiss, along with the various forms of the piledriver. The piledriver moves can even be given an h-theme, like a forced blowjob piledriver. I don't know if rope moves are in the plans, but those would add a whole new ballgame of both regular and h-moves, too.


i'm not very familiar with wrestling moves, except for a few martial arts throws and holds. perhaps those could also be implemented by chance?


I dont mind adding a couple more throws but they are the most difficult to animate by far. There wouldnt be any rope moves or corner moves before futa-content is more fleshed out.


Sure, make sure to leave suggestions when doing the non-futa version :).


So I've scanned the comments on this topic and there is something I'm curious about. You've mentioned the issue with further wrestling moves is that they are getting less believable. I'm wondering what your definition of believable is. I mean that as in, do you think they don't fit in a fantasy setting, or is it that in real life these moves would never work? I've spent around 5-10 hours now in WWE 2K17 making characters and watching a LOT of moves. My curiosity comes from my experience with performing WWE moves. My younger brother also loved WWE and I'd always try some of the holds from the franchise when we fought. My point of the story is some of the moves are surprisingly more effective than they look. You may be referencing more Rumble Roses stuff though, I own it but haven't actually played it at length. As many have said before, what you've implemented so far holds the game together quite nicely. The wrestling content is the "secret sauce", and I appreciate the work you put in to make them work.

Red Scare

I think it's also worth noting, all the fields allowed for multiple votes. I know I certainly cast votes for several things, among them were more wrestling moves.


My definition for "believable" is moves that appears as if the opponent cannot escape easily in. An example of an "unbelievable" move is pushing opponents towards the ropes/corners, because cmon, you learned how to stop a run when you are 5.