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 Many people have expressed interest in having something for players to do when a move is performed on their character. So instead of just deciding whether to resist or not, the player can now choose to <escape> , do a <reversal>, or <break free> by spend special meter. Of course, the player can choose to not resist as well.


during a move:

  • characters no longer free themselves automatically when the bar is full
  • there is now a marker placed randomly at between 75% to 90% on the bar that the player must time correctly with either <escape> or <reversal>
    • the timing window for <escape> is 200ms, or about 12 frames on 60 FPS.
    • the timing window for <reversal> is 70ms, or about 4 frames
  • should the player miss or fail to do anything, the bar will reset but will fill faster, to a minimal of 1sec. Clever players may try to reduce the bar duration by deliberately failing, but that is already accounted for.
  • players can also <breakfree> of the hold anytime by spending special meter
  • <reversal> is bound to <attack>
  • <escape> is bound to <guard>
  • <breakfree> is bound to <special>

when grabbed: 

  • same as during a move, except <reversal> is disabled and the grab will automatically end when bar is filled to full instead of resetting




I actually love the shit outta this game. Honestly the models are not the best but its so addictive for some reason. Needs multiplayer, sexually harass friends 10/10!


Pick 2: graphics, gameplay, reasonable dev time. But yeah local multiplayer shouldnt be too terrible to implement. Maybe Ill put it up as a Patreon goal, like 1k? So I have some time to finish other stuff like girl 6 ^^


Sorry didn't mean to insult you, the models aren't bad. Plus I'd rather have more girls, more moves, arenas and outfits. Besides it's already super fun


This is gonna be interesting. Since I've started playing your game, I never play with the meter bars on. The main reason I don't is because I hate how the meter sits over the characters. This will definitely add to the challenge of the game.


None taken. Just pointing out the realities of development given time is a precious resource for everyone :)


UI is a good concern. Hmm... Can start by making escape bar a vertical bar and to the side?


I would say add a fourth main bar, but that might look messy. Maybe put it underneath the character heads in the corner? I look there a lot. A vertical bar could work too. If I'm 1P, it might look ok having it to the right of the 3 main meters. But having it by the character makes the most sense too, that's where all the action is. I hope I'm not over suggesting...


so what reversal does?


Looks like a great set of changes to me. Couple Questions though:


1) How easy is it to modify animation speeds? One feature I liked was how using your special sped them up a bit, so was wondering how feasible to be to incorporate that to other aspects for balance/flavor. With the new grapple changes for example, a fail could slightly speed up the animation up to a set amount (which would also punish fail spamming too), plus its a bit more dynamic when there is some variation to speed. One thing i did notice though is when you or the AI uses their special, occassionally the sound skips a thrust or whatever every so often. 2) Will we be able to set our own character stats and/or stat growth at some point?


1) animations speed for moves is more complicated than merely adjusting the rate of animation so its non trivial to have it speed up incrementally. I noticed the sound occasionally bugs but I dont know the cause. 2) yea


darn, well maybe something along those lines will come somewhere down the line then when higher priorities are taken care of. Definitely liked the feature though, and cool, customizing stats is fun for making the fighter type you want. Keep up the amazing work!