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As titled. Next patch of CATC will have working console/cheat commands. There's obvious stuff like give credits and so on, but what "balance-breaking" gameplay switches would you like to see? Or commands that can help with modding. 

Leave your comments below!



You could have an option that makes it sort of play out like the vs mode, as in it's still the fighting and attacks and what not, but you need to fill the pleasure bar to defeat an enemy.


Going to go ahead and be captain obvious and present "god mode." Besides that, maybe a "fake defeat" cheat which sets the characters to take no damage, but makes it so they'll be lewded as if they were defeated? Not sure how that would work, or even if it would work, but, hopefully an idea...?


ones that allow you to set stats to a certain number mayhaps? like "set str 40" and so on


Reveal map cheat.


Health/list restore command, clothes off command, spawn enemy command


-grab allys allowed -no game over after defeated -infinity health -pleasure stop (no orgasm) -spam special enemy -chaos (enemies attack each other) -block selected garbs/ allow selected grabs for everyone


While still in the base menu: -Enable/Recruit "char_uid" Adds "char_uid" to the playable roster with access to the dresser. That way it can use the body sliders to set proportions instead of messing with base unitdatas. Not sure if it should be added permanently or just for testing, disabling the save button[making it only save the main cast] so that saving those changes requires overwriting the character data manually on the files. Also increase max breast size slider to allow up to 2.


1. Increasing sliders, to have more amount of breast ass and etc. 2. Pleasure meter make to stay at 100 percent for enemies and for allies, but not at the same, two different commands. For ones that want instant finisher animations. 3. XP gain. 4. Drop clothes and dress up. 5. Spawn additional ally. 6. Increase of enemy Hp. 7. Reset HP. 8. Lower the pleasure. 9. More damage. 10. More SP. 11. Take handcuffs instead of weapon and on the next move cuff selected enemy. 12. Map reveal (you see all the rooms, an amount of enemies and their color like a dot in a minimap). 13. +1/-1 size for ally troop. 14. Card redraw without skipping turn.


Removing cards from deck (even base card) OP-Shop, so u can buy any stat (consumable?) and every card/spell to craft completely custom decks


Have all the cards unlocked, even enemy ones. I don't think you can choose all on battle, but could be an interesting challenge