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Been working on a new BeatEmUp Mode patch. Here is a preview of the new features:

First off, added the loot light pillar and glow as I talked about in the previous post. This is what they look like:

Secondly, added a new "1handed" moveset that also includes the new particle trail visual effect. This moveset is used when you pickup the 1handed weapon powerup on the ground. The weapon model itself is just a placeholder, going to add actual weapon models in the future:

Thirdly, I added a separate bunnysuit corset that doesn't include the leggings and a separate fishnet for the feet that goes to the thighs instead of to the torso. This is because the thighs is where the game separates the feet outfits from the waist outfits. These new bunnysuit outfit pieces allows for great customization and mix and match. Something like this:

A new feature is a "Team Colors" for the projectiles. In the following picture, the bullet fired from player is white whereas the bullet fired from the enemy is colored red.

I also added a slower grab attack for the enemy mob types, which gives players more time to react. It looks similar to the grab animations from Heroine Rumble that takes longer to execute compared to the "new" snappy grab attack.

Speaking of grabs, I added a new type of grab attacks, which I called it Short Grabs. As the name implies, it doesn't cause the target to go into the standard longer grabs but instead only grabs the target for a short duration. As a tradeoff, Short Grabs are not interruptible. 

The motivation behind this is actually not so much for the BeatEmUp mode, but for CATC. I want to try adding animations for the lust-inflicting cards such as "Vixen's Whispers." The idea being that it would cause the pair to go into a Short Grab animation and then separate. I'll introduce it first in the BeatEmUp mode and see how it goes.

A new combat mechanic is attack/ability cooldowns. Basically, default attacks and abilities can have cooldowns, which means that once they are used, they are no longer available for X seconds. So far, this doesn't affect the player at all but is a "nerf" for the enemy mobs. I noticed that the mobs tends to swarm a little too much than I liked. So I gave the mobs an attack cooldown of 4.0 seconds which helps quite a bit against "stun-locking" and high burst damage. In addition, it makes blocking a lot better - block against the initial volley and you have the next X seconds to do whatever you like against the enemy.

Regarding staggers ("stun-locking") I added a new mechanic where if a character is chain-staggered for ~1 seconds or more, the next hit would knock it into the air instead. This has 2 uses: one being that it helps metigate against "stun-locking", and secondly, it opens up attack design more as I no longer have to set that the final hit in an attack chain knocks the enemy up into the air.

Also implement i-frames (invincibility frames) mechanics. The Rising Uppercut now have brief i-frames at it's startup to make it almost always beat out aerial attacks.

Finally, included this change as well: "the stain mess effect only gets applied when the aggressor climaxes while penetrating the target.  Can that be adjusted to include when the target climaxes while being ridden by the aggressor...? x3  I'd love to get my characters messy as they cowgirl the enemy into submission."



Nice, that sounds really exciting gameplay wise! Do you have any plans to include weapons as pick ups or movesets in SR too?