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A new SR build is coming, so this post will focus more on the SR applicable stuff. The CATC includes all these and more. Will post about the new CATC stuff in a separate post.

  • In addition, I added the penis option, which allows you to turn your female characters to futas and back. Click on a penis to turn into futa, and the Remove option to turn back to female. 
  • The next SR build will also include 2 new wrestling themed grabs:

  • As per the previous vote, I decided to slow down the SR combat speed. Attacks and abilities will take ~20% longer to execute and stagger time is increased by ~20% to compensate. 
  • Finally, I implemented jumping, jump attacks and aerial drift. TBH, maybe doesnt fit the SR settings so they might get removed in the future. But I want to test them and getting them working for the eventually HRT remake.




UUUUUU yeah, sliiiderrrrSSSSS


I think it's a good idea to lower the SR's combat speed. All the changes are impressive. Have a productive week!


Awesome! I can't wait! Will we also have settings to change skin color and materials? I know you can change it through JSON on custom units but it does not work well on units affected by the save system. Will we also get other colors like nipples, lips, tongue, mouth, teeth...?


My two questions are: -Will the "Banana split" move have a comeback? - Pantyhose and nylon stockings: yes or no ?

Nicholas Seitler

I love both games, looking forward to the completed CATC game someday! Very fun :)


- Which one is the "Banana Split"? - Maybe when Im working on new outfits


just one more thing i want to say before its too late: On Heroine Rumble the AI was not much usefull if you gave her a fighter with only one move (because you only want to see that) . so if the AI wanted to use a move slot that was empty she just punched A LOT. I tell you this just in case you want to make it possible to delete moves and make custimate move sets.


I hope you invest more time in this mode. I was a donator when you kept updating heroine rumble because i like this kind of stuff to a fighting game but not for a turn based rpg... so i I had decided to stop donating. When i saw you started to make a game (a mode in this case) like Heroine Rumble i decided to donate you again. I hope this mode become a heroine rumble 2.0