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New Download LINK (7.62)

V7.62 fixes the following issues:

  • Fixed Encore attack-replacement not working 
  • Fixed summoned totem not using their AOES 
  • Fixed unit targetted SummonObj effects (such as from Magic Bind of Lust demon) not working 
  • Grab Escape DC for enemies now have a x3 multiplier 
  • When placed on device, Escape progress should be now correctly synced to device HP
  • Gave Lust Demon enemy the AOE version of Magic Binds capture


Fixed the following issues:

  • Fixed save/load issue causing units sometimes losing their equipment
  • Fixed game generating 2 missions related to the same threat when it should generate a single mission for 2 different threats. (May require new save/finishing old missions first)
  • Fixed a crush when player controls a enemy uses an attack on an friendly unit placed on a cross device
  • Fixed Charge status not affecting some cards
  • Fixed a possible crush when clicking on the Inventory button during dungeons when no unit is selected
  • Fixed a possible UI issue when ending the combat on RemoveAttachment cards
  • When selecting an item to enchant selected card with, the game now exclude items that grants random cards 
  • Game will now do a save when using Escape Menu -> Quit
  • Reduced the final fight enemy strength when soloing or duoing 



I feel like this build made grabs pointless and enemies are way too tough on the boss fight level for city streets. Not only do you have shield guys who have massive health pools but you can also get a sniper who will one shot anyone on your party. As for grabs, enemies escape on their first turn and since rally is gone attacks from the team mates just damage them until they are defeated so you never make any enemy cum.


Could we have some quality of life changes when it comes to items? I would love to know what item I'm enchanting with the cards and I would love to have an increased inventory space and the possibility to sell unused items. Also, could it be possible to reroll past level bonuses or to respec all together? Having the ability to "distill" items would be nice too where you want to extract an effect from an item to enchant a future item. Capture with magic binds does not seem to work for me somehow. The targeted units just doesn't do anything. You can hear the "hit" sound effect but the unit does not end up being captured. I like the new units, they add some spice to the game.


Yeah Encore (attacks from the team mates on grabbed units) is bugged. Fixed in the upcoming bugfixing bugfix build. Try 7.62, same post.


The next thing on the list is a remake of the inventory screen that will work in base, and transferring item between different inventories (so storage option + trade in the future) I can probably add an Reroll option in the Virtual Training Chamber. Magic binds is fixed in 7.62. I edited this post to include ver 7.62.

Nicholas Seitler

Definitely love the update, need some new enemies with grab attacks but i'm sure that's coming.

Nicholas Seitler

Random but my movement controls stopped working?

Nicholas Seitler

Yes, I checked that. A unit will be selected and then the movement controls no longer work. I had no problem getting door to door and moving, now the girls won’t move

