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New build is out! Ideally I like this build to come out a couple of days sooner, but wasn't able to.

This build features the new Dynamic Missions system, but it is more of a transition build; I have implemented a bunch of new features but have not got the chance to add new content yet. Those are to follow soon.


  • Missing text
  • Grabs not dealing damage 
  • Summoned unit effect getting duplicated when targeted on tile with a unit 


  • Removed Pleasure grab self feedback orgasm damage 
  • Grabs have different grab strength instead of all set at 8
  • "Escape 2" cards during grab do not end turn anymore
  • Lust level now guards the unit against certain grab types, depending on the lust level
  • Added Resolve loss
  • Added "Lustful thoughts" hand corruption due to Resolve and Lust 
  • Added the strategic turn concept 
  • Units restore 30 Resolve per strategic turn as a stopgap until more Resolve relief systems are implemented 
  • Replaced one card in the starter deck to a "Dash" card
  • In dungeons, you are much more likely to find item loots rather than temporary cards
  • Tooltips system
  • Included a one page combat tutorial in game folder
  • Unit bar UI changes




good job


I think I have found a level up bug : I had LVL1 units with 28/20 XP. When I leveled them up, I ended LVL2 with -52/80 XP (my guess is that -52 = 28 - 80 instead of having 8 = 28 - 20). I'm going to test this further to see if it's not just a display bug. It appear like that in the Menu but it appears normal at the end of a mission (32/80 XP for example).


The enemy's Grab is too week,Can throw off a round,Some can increase the difficulty