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Did work on CATC this week, here are some of the new features.

The first are the new "Lustful Thoughts" system, which is a mechanic that causes a character to have more and more bad/negative/corrupted cards that is detrimental to the character. The amount of these lustful cards depends on the Lust level and Resolve (and Personality in the future).

I see Lust as a mental state - as the character gets into more heat, it becomes harder and harder to concentrate on the task. The cards in hand is a representation of the character's thoughts and ideas, so tieing lust level to the corruption of hand makes alot of sense to me.

Next thing I added is a tooltip system, which I will use to show the new Resolve stat and the new Lust grab-gating mechanic:

I also did a consistency improvement on the status system in preparation of new status effects. As a general rule, status do not stack and ticks down by 1 stack at end of each turn.  For example, if a character have 1 stack of Mark, and gets hit by something that's Marks 3, that means the character will now have 3 stacks of Mark (it doesn't stack). At end of that character's turn, (most) status ticks down by 1 so he would then have 2 stacks of Mark.

I also changed the UI to use a familiar icon and stack size system instead of words:

The block is a special status and since you often want to know the block number, its now shown on the right of the status bars as a shield icon.




Nice groundwork for a lot of future ideas. I wonder, because that change, "Charge" and "Block" won't stack anymore? Previously, you could use for example a +3 Block and a +2 Block to gain +5 Block, same with "Charging" cards (the one where you get a flat damage bonus on your next attack). Will this be affected?