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New build is here! This features the new experience and leveling up stuff documented in the previous post, so I wouldn't repeat it here.

Some additional changes:

New hair styles and bikini outfits: https://twitter.com/Enlit3D/status/1403075223675543553  

To make way for the upcoming Resolve system, the following stats are tweaked:

  • removed HP max (red hp bar) loss from rallying and during grabs
  • starting HP reduced to 10 (from 20)
  • characters now reduce their lust level by 20% when entering a new unexplored room 
  • "Basic Action" card movement to 3 (from 2)

Because that the upcoming Resolve loss is not functional, I believe that your characters are functionally immortal in this build. So I also added a Retreat button during dungeon runs as well. Note that by retreating, you gain no resources but you do earn some EXP based on number of floors you have cleared.

I also got some feedback that the previous builds was "too easy" and one of the ideas is a mode where you do not get to see enemy actions. Seems like a interesting thing to try, so I added a new Cave Endless mode with a special "No Insight on Enemies" modifiers for players looking for a greater challenge. This Mission is unlocked after defeating the Goblin Shaman boss.

The UI does look much cleaner. 

Oh almost forgot to mention. In this build there will be some lag after you press the "Start Game" button from the main menu. This is because the game now needs to load the unit data to generate the portraits. However, this makes the "Start Mission" much quicker as the data is already loaded at that point. 




So Resolve will replace the Red HP system? Hmm, that can be really interesting in terms of gameplay depth. Will this also tie into corruption, directly or indirectly, like characters being more vulnerable to H attacks for example? I was wondering, what do you think about this idea : if Resolve gets too low and a character succumbs to an H attack or you lose the fight, there is a chance they get captured. Then, you can try a rescue mission, or pay a ransom to get her back, or, if you have no more characters and not enough money, you can pay mercenaries to free them in exchange of having fun with them, but the exhaustion from being captured and "having fun" after it would cause the character to love one or multiple levels, kind of like spending time in jail in some RPGs. Of course this would need to be tuned and balanced to not be too punishing, but I think it could be interesting. Maybe your character could get corrupted in you would have to fight them as a boss to rescue them at the end. I played the new version a little and there seems to be a problem with characters for me : many words are missing their first letters and that's also the case for some numbers (grab progress, AP). Also, at the victory screen, when it shows experience and essence gained, I think there is a missing animation of the numbers going from 0 to the number gained because the numbers "blink" for a while. Furthermore, I wanted to ask, I'm running out of space in my inventory, are items sellable yet? There is a 100$ sing on them but putting them in the trash does not seem to get me credits. Is this a bug or simply a "TO DO"?


Yea Resolve is meant to replace the old red hp loss and the persistent Lust gain during runs. There will be very little means to replenish Resolve during a run, however, there will be means to lower Lust levels during a run (unlike before) Lust will play a new role as the "vulnerability to H-attacks." For example, at low Lust levels, the character is only susceptible to Tease attacks, at higher levels, Pleasure grabs becomes available, and finally, Finisher type grabs at near-max levels. Resolve will serve as the Corruption resistance stat. As in, a character with high Resolve will be hard/impossible to Corrupt; whereas a character with low Resolve will be a relatively easy target. I have several ideas on what should happen upon "defeat," getting captured is one of them. Trashing items does not give credits currently, but afaik the destroying item by trashing them should work.


How do you get more characters?