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Working on the progression and I like to introduce some new mechanics:

Credits: basic currency that you earn from a variety of ways, such as from completing a mission. Spend credits to buy supplies, equipment, build new buildings and to pay for maintenance - the more buildings you build, the higher the maintenance fees per turn.

Essence: rare resources that you extract from Monsters. Used in training, research and upgrades.

Resolve: A new stat that is carried over in between different missions. Characters gradually lose Resolve during missions. The more “negative” events the character experiences, the higher the Resolve loss. You’ll need to manage character’s Resolve in between missions.

Originally, the Lust stat is supposed to have this role. However, given the nature of the game, I don’t want players to feel engaging in H-content (thus raising Lust) is too punishing so I replaced it with Resolve. As a result of this change, there will be more ways to lower Lust during runs and make grab focused builds much more viable.

There also has been some discussion on whether this kind of stat is required. I think so, yes. Because I want something to capture the stress (heh) of going through MIssions and fighting powerful Monsters. Those things take a mental toll and it is your job to keep your squad motivated and focused. Not to mention, that there could be other activities that cost Resolve, but can benefit you in other ways...

Experience (EXP) and leveling up. Pretty straight forward. At the end of successful missions, characters gain EXP; when they accrue enough EXP, they are entitled for a level up. Still working on implementing the level-up mechanics and I’ll detail how it works in another post, when I have a functional UI for it.




Nice! I would love if Resolve was tied to some sort of corruption mechanic where a corrupted unit might "Beckon" on its own or even grab friendly units. By the way, do you plan to reintroduce the ability to grab friendlies at some point? I'm so hyped for the new progression system!


i have not subbed to Enlit3D in a while i wanted to see how the new game was going and good god i am having a hard time playing it just simply moving around is such a pain the the ass i spend most of my time just trying to move from point A to point B really frustrating maybe it's just me


Click on the ground where you want to go and that should do it. Maybe rotating the camera around (press and hold right mouse button) helps.


"Resolve was tied to some sort of corruption mechanic" - yes, Resolve will be tied to Corruption gain although Corruption will be a separate mechanic. "do you plan to reintroduce the ability to grab friendlies at some point?" - No, not during combat. I'll probably add a Free Mode or something where you can have fun with friendlies, probably by just re-using Scuffed Rumble stuff, but disabling attacks/abilities.


1..) Hi, is there a way to access the other missions/monsters aside from hacking the game? I see to be stuck at the two cave missions and the underground ring mission no matter how many times I clear it. 2.) The futa content is prepped for release is working surprisingly well. I modded the game files to make two of the girls naturally start as futas and added a bunch of new grappling moves to their ruleset. I haven't seen anything weird with animations, other than certain outfits (like the nurse's one) clipping through the penis. But the futas take and give it just fine. 3.) Also, the new hairstyles and outfits are cute.


1) Theres only the cave and ring missions atm. Working on finish up core mechanics first before adding more missions and enemies. 2) Yea futa and male content is already working. 3) Glad you liked them!

Kenta Usui

oooh leveling up, gets me excited for skill trees or w/e you may have planned already