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This build features the save/loading of items in inventory and character equipment. If all goes well, other forms of progression to follow soon!

Highlights of some other features:

Added a couple new grabs to the game. A couple you already seen if you played the beat-em-up demo, but there is a new one as well: https://twitter.com/Enlit3D/status/1395172051086942208 

A transparency slider for already transparent outfit parts. Note: for opaque (non-transparent) parts, this options wouldn't appear. This is because opaque meshes often use the fact that they are opaque to hide some mesh abnormalities underneath. (For example, for performance reasons)

Projectiles! Now in the game as well. Instead of punching the air, ranged attacks are now conducted with projectiles!

Card changes. Most of the cards went through an overhaul to adjust for the new 2AP/turn system. In addition, "Basic Action" is no longer a card in your deck, but rather, a special card that you draw at start of combat. It has Keep keyword so you should always have access to it!

AI upgrade. AI is upgraded to factor in the new 2AP/turn system as well. In addition, made two notable changes from previous version. The first is that AI will try to prioritize non-grabbed unit to spread the love around instead of piling in on a single unit. The second is that enemies with a "non-AI" deck, ie, deck not filled with "Monster XXX" cards, the AI will draw a 1 AP cost, 2 movement token card each turn to account for the fact that many cards lost the bottom movement option during the 2AP/turn change.




Great update! I have played around a bit and noticed something a bit odd : when you redraw, it seems that you lose the "Basic Action". It can be a real handicap with the strength oriented character as she has no movement cards by default. Overall, I really like the fact that we have more HP, the heal on orgasm, the much bigger and more relevant starting deck. A lot of quality of life changes that greatly improve the feel of the gameplay in my opinion. I would add one capital quality of life feature for the next build (or along progression in general) : the ability to chose to which character you give a card you pick up. It's kind of frustrating to pick a great card with the wrong character and using a fire to sort out the deck is often a waste in my opinion. That would be great if this feature did not consume the fire, only resting would. Anyway, this game has already come a long way since its first versions, even with the redesigns! Amazing job!


Oh, and I forgot to mention, the new alpha button on transparent clothes is overlapping with the second button and has a different size than the other buttons, at least on 1920x1080 fullscreen.