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Inventory and equipment are here! You can now find item drops during runs and open the inventory tab via the button on bottom of screen when not in combat. In the inventory tab, you can equip your characters with drag and drop!

Equipment in CATC are more like trinkets; that is, they give you stat bonuses and possibly new cards, but do not affect the character's appearance in any way. This is motivated by people requesting a transmutation system in HRT. So in CATC, I decided to separate outfits (things that affect cosmetic only) and equipment (stat bonuses) as two distinct things. You can change the appearance via the Dresser in base, and equipment via inventory screen. 

In this patch, the item drops probably will feel somewhat similar to the random card pickups in the previous patches. However, they will behave very differently in the future - items you will keep in between runs, whereas directly card pick ups will only be that run. So items will be a major contributor on character's loadout, and by pick and choose which items to equip, you can have very distinct builds.

There is one thing I should mention, and that is the interaction between exhausting and equipment granting exhaustible cards. The issue is that I dont want players to bypass the exhaust mechanic by swapping the item and off, so that leaves 3 solutions (as far as I see):

  • 1) when you equip item that grant exhaustible cards, the card(s) start exhausted
  • 2) when you use card that exhausts, you can no longer remove the item that grants the card
  • 3) can only change equipment at rest points

I picked option 2), and that is why sometimes you will see an item becoming unremovable and having a "(Exhausted)" suffix at the end. This is something I'm not sure about and may change in the future.

It took a lot of work to get the inventory and items working, so I haven't tested this build throughoutly, so expect bugs!


  • Added inventory system
  • Added equipment system
  • Added equitable items 
  • Added applying equitable item bonuses - stats and granting new cards
  • Added random item drops during runs
  • Added random magical items
  • You now start each game with a couple of items in inventory
  • Fixed a possible softlock caused by AI trying to switch grabs when there's no valid grabs to pick from 
  • Fixed Pass Turn button not functional during grabs 




Greetings. Do you like to read/ hear suggestions? How about traps on the battlefield? Not visible for player and AI. 1-3 traps random on the field. With little damage, tentacles of course, or stuff like oil so character slips and is vulnerable for grabs one round, or stuck at slime and cant run away for one round. Maybe traps with advantage (1 healing point, one more move) for they one that walks on it too. so you dont have to play defence and the traps just are the salt in the soup. First two lines are free for each group for safe start and no problems. Just a idea i wanted to share with you.