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Small patch to add a couple of features to the character customization and initial support for mod folders. Can skip this build if you dont run into problems with v5.0.


  • Added "Remove" option to remove a clothing part.
  • Added "Back" button to discard all changes. 
  • Added initial support for mod folders! The base game files is now located in /data/_base/ and mod folders can be added to the /data/ folder to extend the game!
  • Added additional debugging messages to help diagnosis issues like the whitescreen. 
  • Couple bugfixes




You are the best investment in the Patreon. If the big game developers were similarly determined and enthusiasm, not only glittering but saying anything games would be born. Respect for exceptions. One of your previous games is very dear to my heart and not just for the adult content. I know The Heroine Rescue Team also has its limitations, yet many modders saw it as an opportunity for further development. And if you ever release a final version of that game, I'll buy the collector's version. ;) Although I'm the owner of more than 100 games, only a few are - the biggest - in the collector's version. So thank you.