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Here are some goblins, available as enemies in the next build!

This is the first step towards non-humanoid units and goblins are a good starting point to start implementing the necessary internal changes to handle different skeleton types.

The goblins wouldn't be available for grabs in the next patch because their small size requires their own set of animations, and I haven't got the time to do those yet. 

Speaking of grabs, they are the reason why having different skeletons can be so challenging. Let's use the goblins as an example, even though they use the same humanoid skeleton, but their different size means that all the grabs that were made for standard-size to standard-size will cease to function correctly. They would require new small size-to-standard size animations.

IK (inverse kinematics) can be used to absorb some of those differences, however, as seen in HRT, they too, will break apart pretty badly when the size difference gets too large.

So this time around, instead of having a variable humanoid character size, I will lock it into three categories: small, normal and large. This way, a unique set of animations can be made for each size-delta and should look much better.

The drawback of course, is that now I'll have even more work to do T.T. 

So, to keep my sanity, I decided to go for a quality-over-quantity approach this time around, instead of 10+ grab animations for each skeleton type, expect one or two to maybe a few, or even none.

Anyways, the poll:

Because the size is fixed in each category (small, normal, large), I have to decide how big each category is. For the small size (represented by our friendly gobbos), here are the choices:




Let me know what you think in the poll, but keep in mind, that once the decision is finalized, this will be the size for ALL small humanoid characters.



I agree that a set size will lead to much more consistent and controllable quality over sliders.