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Starting from next patch, you can choose who to bring with you in your dungeon runs! You can bring 1-4 party members of your choice. Here is what the unit picker looks like:

It make use of the new portrait render system which works pretty well. I'll adapt it to other areas as well as time goes on.

The only other thing to do at base in next patch is the "Correctional" area, which serves as a gallery mode (for now) that you can interact with your party members in:

So what's next?

Originally, I wanted to add some new missions as well, but I fear that will delay the next build more than I liked. So instead, I'll divide it into 2 builds. The first build will be available soonTM. It may be pretty buggy given how much things were added and others changed. I plan to do another build somewhat around a 1 week later to address the bugs and to add some new missions as well.



Kenta Usui



Cool can't wait to try it!