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Added a new character for the next demo! So it will be a party of 4 versus the same enemies, which should make it a lot easier.

She is a martial-arts based character and comes with a new outfit!

I choose a simpler ability design for her as I feel abilities like the Breaching Shot is not good introductory ability. She have a ranged attack as her basic attack; a Pump Up that buffs her physical attack, and a Rising Dragon melee attack that deals heavy damage to target and knocks it back, but has a cool down. The main decision points in using her are whether to use the Pump Up on round 1 or attack, and when and who to use the Rising Dragon against.

Here is a video of her in action:


Before I forget, she is a futa character, to test out to see if the system works as intended and to give the player more opportunity to see M/F moves.

I also added animations for certain existing abilities, you can preview here:





Playing the last demo a bit more, had a comment on the gun girl. The gun attack is obnoxious to try to use because the minimum range is like 2/3rds the size of the diameter of the map.


Yeah, I agree. The idea was that the tiny size forces the player to fight for the center, so she can snipe from the back. If the player concede the center entirely then it's going to be harder to find a position to use Breaching Shot. It might be an okay design but definitely not good as one of the "starting out" abilities. So that's why girl #4 have a much straight forward game plan.