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Couple of highlights in the new build:

1) A new base male model! His name is Iron Mask. Nobody cared about who he is before he putted on the mask... (Just kidding, don't have a male head model with all the head animations setup yet)

Here is a shot from the back:

And here is a brief video preview:


2) The Rally mechanic. When a Special unit is KOed ( Special means get KOed when green HP reaches 0 instead of being Defeated instantly ), she will start regaining HP at each turn. When the HP is regenerated to be above 50% of total HP, she will rally back to action and be ready to fight again.

This change is motivated by some players pointing out that the "first team downing all opponents just wins the battle as they can proceed to defeat a single unit at a time while they can also waste turns healing (or buffing if it's added) completely unopposed." So this change is to address that.

Example here.

3) Alot more sounds! Added a whole bunch of sound effects to game, from footsteps, to attack swings, hit sounds, sex moans, squirt and ejaculation effects... 

4) Modding improvements: I implemented a generic JSON to C++ struct deserializer, and implemented the "inherit" keyword. This probably doesn't mean much to most people, but to those that do, this means that you can now define new things with less repetition! For example, "inherits": "default_behavior" and then only need to define what you want to change.

5) Various QoL changes, such as: left clicking an empty spot will now select the unit that is taking turn. Units in grabs will auto "Relax" when KOed, (other actions have 0% chance.) Grab ending when attackers KO themselves by orgasm. 



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