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First not-even-a-demo build is here! Download is attached.

This is a mostly a test to see if the game runs on everyone's machines. Not much of an actual game yet. 

To view grab animations, select the purple hair girl, select grab, then select the other girl. Then it should give you a list of choices to pick from. Most of the options in grab do not currently do anything, but Switch Grab, Release for attacker and Reversal, Escape for the victim should work.




the girls aren't visible. Just the setting.

Frank Baum

Cool! This is going to be awesome!


works all fine for me :D


It's good on my computer.Want the next.LOL.

Twentk skeith

I suck it computers so it might just be me, but I can't even open the vuewer. The best I get is a blank window.

Twentk skeith

Yo, so I sent the screenshot to you're email. Again, it could just be me being a dumb dumb, but press, app and get nothing.