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Hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving! (if you celebrate it)

I been working on the new game and made lots of progress. Dungeon generation, path finding, UI, transition, just to name a few. Here is a quick gif to demonstrate the dungeon exploration + encounter/combat portion of the game.

The graphics/animations (or lack of) are just placeholders, my primary concern is to get a Minimum Viable Product up and running first.

Next step: the framework for the grab system. Stay tuned!




She needs an dps nerf, she's op, oneshots whole orc hordes with a single body slam.


does it make a difference if you attack from the side or behind?


Trivia: it used to actually KILL ALL, foes and allies (and self) alike :D


Not as a general rule, may or may not be there for specific abilities/units


So darkest dungeon by with lewds? I can get behind that. You just need to hire the narrator :D