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Working on a new game! Like HRT, it is a party based and feature in-combat grabs. However, it wouldn’t be an action game but is turn-based instead. 

Here is a super duper early concept video of the gameplay:

Originally, I was aiming for a side-view camera like darkest dungeon. However, that limits the angle you can view the grabs at, so a grid + full 360 degrees camera is more preferable.

There was a lot of good ideas and suggestions for HRT, that I wanted to do, but simply takes too much time and resources to implement due to the high animation requirements or is simply unfit for an action game. For example, more options during grabs, having bondage playing a bigger role in combat, non-humanoid enemies, and so on. 

I feel like that if HRT were turn-based instead, those things would have been implemented by now. Working on a new game also gives me an opportunity to fix some of the things I consider as mistakes in HRT. For example, not being able to customize all your party members. 

What does this mean in the future? Well, for HRT, my original plan was to finish up the Ruins map and maybe add one more zone to the game. H-Content wise, I was pretty much finished with what I wanted to do. I was going to work on finishing up HRT and the new game at the same time, but that just isn’t working out. 

I was getting pretty frustrated at HRT chasing after the “stuck on bodyMesh.json loading screen” bug that I just couldn’t reproduce at my machine. (BTW, people that had this issue told me that upgrading your windows solves the issue.) The new game is also done in a new C++ engine that should have ~10X CPU performance improvement over the current electron-based engine. But that meant switching between different programming languages. That would be fine, if not for the fact that the new game uses blender 2.8+ but HRT relies on blender v2.7X. (The exporter doesn’t work for blender v2.8.) The problem is, blender 2.8 have a completely new UI - selecting items changed from right click to left click, a total reorganization of... everything. 

So, I decided to take a break on HRT and focus entirely on the new game instead. Again, the game is still super duper early - only about 2 weeks of actual development on the game at this moment. There is a barely “playable” demo on discord if you want to test it out and give feedback. In the near future, I will be posting progress updates on the new game.

It’s that exciting time again when you are dealing with something new and shiny. Meaning that nothing is set in stone! So if you have any questions or suggestions on the kind of things you want to see, getting those ideas in early will have a much higher chance to get them included!

I will probably be writing about the design considerations about the new game in the future, but this post is already long enough as it is, so that’s it for now.




Just at least complete heroine rescue team and then that means you can focus on the new game fully.


I love the idea of a turn-based game, and even prefer it to heroine rescue, but you should probably polish what you have and then use these ideas in your next game.

Richard Williams

You had me at bondage playing a bigger role, it would be nice to have a finishing polish added to HRT, I enjoyed the last update, quite alot.


Turn based tactical RPGs are one of my favorite genres. I don't think I've seen a good Hentai tactical RPG, and I'd love to play one. There's plenty of fire emblem style Hentai games, but the hentai is never in combat. Something with grabs and sex animations in combat, that last longer than a single turn/animation, would be great. I would hope for decent move/attack animations too. In short, I'd play it.


My advice would be finish Heroine Rescue Team fully. It's better to finish one thing then move on to the next. Part of the reason I've supported you so long is that you've always been focused.


If you're going for turn based combat, you better make it interesting as hell. Too many similar games, less creative freedoms. 3D "open world" environments are better suited to unique games that stand out. I feel like you would be better off continuing your game genre or type under a new engine, and you would have all the benefits of new ideas that weren't implemented originally. I'd love to see HRT have some end game stuff - complete with a campaign or something. I've patroned this game for over a year, I'd hate to see it disappear.


Me personally I don't like these kind of games ... but if you finish the current project and that this is the next one ... go for it ... i don't like em ... but I know a number of people do so ... If I can get fully the non turn base fully and wait longer for sometime I like ... I mean I don't hate them ...so who knows maybe im even gonna like this one ...


I personally prefer real time based game ... But I can still see all the games as what they are , first made by someone competent . and secondly ... Well ... it,s just my opinion ... If I can still have the game I know I love and get something to wait for the next thing .... Enlit can go for it !


Altho I do like the idea ... I hope it can somewhat be alternative ... like tales of androgyny (also there was another one that had a bigger similarities to this but i don't remember the name) sex ... mechanism is a big thing but you can just also just choose to not do it .


Yeah sadly ... the simplicity of most of these (not of the genre but of what people makes of it) is the reason why I just don't bother to even look at most of them ... but seeing it's coming from someone that I know makes good games and provide generally often ... it's aight I can stay either way :D


I like the direction HRT is already heading, in my opinion, no need to change it. As many others here have commented already, better to finish this game, give it a good polish, and then move on to what ever ideas you may have in addition to.


Would prefer if HRT was finished first before changing genres. The reason why I like this game so much is because the H-game market is so over-saturated with turn-based games and visual novels; making this game unique. But that's just my opinion, I wouldn't mind it being turn based if it was more of a fire emblem / divinity styled game rather than a boring RPGMaker type game.

Frank Baum

Great Idea! I like the new game concept a lot. Looking forward to it!


Don't mind turn based games but must admit love the real time stuff better the game can be made more unique, HRT is a brilliant game and even still play heroine rumble. Would like to see more done with HRT introduce monsters and have more and game.


personally not a fan of turn games. HRT is awesome, with lots of continued potential.


It sounds pretty cool and this concept has a lot of potential with things like bondage status and things like that. I can't wait to see what you have in store for us! However, it would be cool if it could feel somewhat real time though. Malise and the Machine is a good example of that in my opinion.


Unfortunately, the author has a tendency to abandon projects and declare them finished because he gets bored.


turn based games are fun but there are alot of them out there. my advise is to try to make yours stand out this use a bondage helps and it being live action is nice, i can't wait to see how this turns out


I do like the theme it reminds me disgaea tho I must say your models need to look more anime like you really need different models. but for the H attacks it would be cool if they get h by a unit they just take damage each turn into they struggle free or a aliie hits the enemy