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I was actually aiming for the patch release in the last week, but one thing led to another, and here we are. (That's why there's no release dates :P)

Implemented lots of new features this patch, so hopefully its not too buggy. The Encounter Zones are very bare-bones atm, but you can be assured that it will be extended in the future.


  • implemented item descriptions when hovering over items
  • implemented bow and arrows
  • -   implemented ammo, the game uses a global ammo pool that is shared with all ranged weapons that consumes weapon
  • implemented non flat terrain and encounter maps
  • implemented 8 new positions (5 M/F, 2 F/M, 1 F/F)
  • implemented outfit stripping
  • enemies now select positions based on what's available (include mods) rather than from a fixed list
    minion enemies are now grabbable. Weapons with high impact damage is especially effective at this.
  • implemented a yes/no prompt check when "back to camp" button is pressed to help against fat fingering
  • implemented a chatbox/logging system on the bottom of right of screen to notify players things that may not be obvious
  •  -   when "ammo" are looted - they are automatically looted when opening the container
  •  cumming may now leave cum behind
  •  implemented new collision handling for already colliding objects
  •  implemented various optimizations
  • fixed incorrect weights in the slave_set
  • fixed bug that cause the interaction prompt to linger longer than it should
  • fixed possible crush due to HotBar loading invalid or spent items
  • fixed units in orgasm not having invulnerability at start
  • fixed crush at bartering window when dragging invalid item into it
  • fixed quest not working
  • fixed bug with projectiles not hitting nearby enemies and issue on enemies near walls
  • fixed inv icons disappearing when dragging the scrollbar while inventory size is small
  • fixed bug with swapping items in the hotbar not updating the change visually
  • modding changes
  •     - more diagnostic messages
  •     - simplified the mod installation process
  •     - as a result, mods from previous versions are incompatible with new version

To Modders: the game now loads from every folder in the /data/ folder. In each folder there must be a _FilesToLoad.json but you can freely structure the files inside each mod folder however you see fit. To migrate from previous version, simply move all the file dependencies into a new folder, and add an appropriate _FilesToLoad.json inside.



Icarus Media

'Fat fingering' sounds like quite the enjoyable time. A shame you were referring to keyboard pressing. :-)


Wow big update!


Not a recurring thing and an easy fix, but figured I'd report that my first time loading, it got stuck on loading a sound file. It was UI_select.ogg or something like that. Closing the game and just reopening worked though.


Love all the new animations. There's some clipping issues with tall characters like Ludas vs default females though. The capes clip something terrible too but I assume you can't do anything about that? Other than clipping I was wondering if there was any future plan to allow you to toggle which animations your character, and other characters, will choose from? Like something in the options menu.


One other thing I forgot to mention, the boob fondle animation can be used on the dudes atm.


So whenever I try to go fullscreen, it cuts off the bottom of the screen, and my taskbar still shows. I never had this issue in previous builds.


Great update! However, there is a crash linked with the bow : if you have an arrow loaded and then switch weapon, the game crashes. In addition, ranged party members aggro enemies even if you told them to hold their grounds (they will cross the whole map just to aggro enemies). This is kind of annoying if you want to approach with a certain strategy.


Is it just me or you cannot leave the forest/encounter map unless you quit the game?


Just opened it to check it out, not much, but I'm happy you still are thinking about us futa on female lovers. Also, Mating Press was the best option you could've added :ok_hand: As for gameplay, I might just be bad at the game, but I feel the block system needs an overhaul. Optional, overhaul that is. Because it's excessively difficult to be able to know where the enemy is going to attack as it's mostly poorly telegraphed. Leading to more frustration than arousal against Ludas. I only won due to cheesing the fact we can freely press U to respawn with full health.