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Working on story mode now. It is going to a fairly simple mode and its mostly there to provide a way to earn Lewds in a wrestling setting. I originally had much bigger plans for the story mode, but I decided to postpone those to the next game. 

My plan right now is to push out v0.5 of Heroine Rumble sometime before end of June. Shortly after, there will be a public version and then I will consider Heroine Rumble completed. I may come back to it in the future but no guarantees at this point.

Afterwards, I will be devoting full attention to the next game. I am actually somewhat excited. It has a lot of nice things going for it and an opportunity to correct some what I consider to be design mistakes. Anyways, don't want to talk too much about it right now or I'll be too distracted to finish Heroine Rumble. 



Any chance story mode will be left open for modding?


Very unlikely. Maybe for next game if there is actual demand for that kind of thing.

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

I guess that means no anal stuff, oh well. I'm looking forward to the next game with the new models and such, do you think it will have some jiggle physics for their butts? Maybe it was just me but they didn't seem to move much.

Shady Corner

Wanting to contact you about a promotion and review for your game! Whats your email or place I can contact you Enlit3D :) Sorry I didnt know where else to msg you.