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        After last patch, character customization is implemented in game now (with throw moves being the exception). With that, I want to talk about what to expect next. The short version is that I only plan to add a wrestling version of “Adventure Mode” and a few small things like a couple of hairstyles. Then, I am going to take a major change in direction and work on a fantasy themed action sex fighting RPG instead of a wrestling themed focused fighting game. It will start off as a continuation of Heroine Rumble with the same engine and same features, but the difference is in theme and setting.

        The reason for this is because there is a new model coming. (Which is why there isn’t any new content yet due to compatibility reasons) This new model allows for far greater customization in the body, such as adjusting size of butt, height, thiccness etc. However, it also means all the animations are out of whack and has to be redone. So at that point, I figure that is where to draw the line and move forward.

       I feel like I done everything content wise I wanted to do in a H-wrestling setting. I know there are still things like corner moves, ropes moves, and stuff like ladder matches that could be added, however, those things are not exactly “adult” nor easy to do. Games like WWE does a far better job at regular wrestling content with a far far bigger team, budget and marketing. So I don’t think it's a wise avenue to pursuit.

       So what can you expect in the next game? Well, if you liked “Adventure Mode,” then you have nothing to fear. I am not removing 1v1 nor the sex fighting aspect either. But, the major thing is that I will be moving into fantasy category. This is also why I am making this announcement now because I understand that is not everyone’s cup of tea.

Here is a non-exclusive non-final list of things that will be added for next game:

  • Fantasy theme - which means Magic! Monster girls! 
  • Non humanoid enemies 
  • Weapons - both the regular kind and the lewd kind 
  • RPG elements - inventory/equipment/loot, progression & perks (eg. Mind Control LvL2)
  • More outfits/hair/expressions/moves (a given really…)
  • Detail - cum stains, popped nipples, lactation, etc (things that can not be done atm due to model change)
  • Gangbangs (very likely)
  • Males (likely) 



oh my! cant wait!


i'm very sad. i love your heroine-rumble so much... there is no game themed h-wrestling like this... But you have already decided, I can not help it. However, i just wanna add the ejaculation motion for futa when futa character cummed & letting cum opponent char. it is awkward that futa has no ejaculation motion... Anyway, i'll wait for your next game!!


reverse rape for the win~


I too amsad about the noncontinuation of the wrestling style gameplay. However, it is your game and I enjoyed everything that you have done so far and I won't lie, I'm excited to see this new content when it comes. I just know I enjoy the wrestling side much more. Hope everything continues to go well for ya man and we shall await the content. Thanks!!!


So wait..Heroine rumble is finished now? What about the adventure mode, career and gallery? As for the new game you want to work on I am willing to give it a shot and it does sound interesting but personally do not know if I will be in it the long term until I see it.


I am sad heroine rumble will not evolve further, but knowing when to finish a game is an extremely important part of game development, and I'm glad to see you've thought it out. That fantasy themed game sounds amazing, you can count me in :)


Please make career mode A man is unnecessary Please do what you first decided Changing the route is a betrayal to the supporter


It has me a bit concerned to invest in this new game even if I like it though because If he is just going to drop heroine rumble to start a new game, probably the same thing will happen to this new game as it becomes almost finished..


To me everything looks awesome, and fantasy themed could be considered an "everything can fit in". I'll keep dreaming of the blank doll/skeleton to be overlapped with a custom model and let the auto-weighting magic work... sans the head, because not even in my dreams they work.


Looking forward to finished Heroine Rumble. Not sure about your new game yet, will wait and see. The biggest draws about Heroine Rumble to me were the yuri/futa-on-female only aspect and the wrestling theme, having always wanted a 3D yuri wrestling sim/manager. Cheers tho!


can we get a bigger ring at lest? or just a big open room would work even, really like to try more then 4VS4 matches and have the room to do it.


Futanari, monsters (tentacles especially), monster girls, gangbang and BDSM. That's all I need for happiness.


Second player controls wouldn't go amiss...


ohh this is sad, i love the fantasy themed idea, but Heroine rumble is alot more original. Also could you please make a real character customization for the clothing part? it's extremely hard to find girls with nice combination of costumes, and those are usually the ones selling the hairstyles. Also allowing futas to cum would be awesome as someone said before. I love what you made so far, but finishing the game as you stated originally could make for a better sales business on the long run.


Will this new game have different patreon page or will it continue on this page? I like the sound of it and I've liked Heroine Rumble so far.


Very much in favor of splitting the game up & "finishing" Heroine Rumble so you can work on something bigger. I do hope your version of wrestling adventure mode is something more akin to a career mode, where we can pick a starting character look & base stats and then level them up by learning moves. The current "all random" adventure is interesting, but gets frustrating quickly.


I'm glad we have a little bit of customization but are you going to implement customization where we can pick and choose colors, finishes of outfits etc?


Hey just wanted to say I remember your old blogspot (which a quick look says is still going!) and your platformer. Really enjoyed that game back in the day, so...thanks for that! And thanks for posting here, I have to admit I had thought your game had stopped development. It's cool to see you supporting others and still going!


Before you leave, do you think it'd be possible to make a "rope-free ring"? It'd make viewing the sex moves a lot easier if I didn't have to move the camera to try and stop the ring ropes blocking your amazing animations :)


by chance is the next game going to have a main character being male . 2 question is this going to be a dungeon base game like this one being a single area of play?

That One Guy Who Never Pledges

I'm looking forward to your next game, adding gangbangs and males are something that will be really cool to see. The improved customisation is also really great. I'm sure it'll take a while, though I do hope to see some sort of demo before summer ends.