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So since it's been a little while, I wanted to put out a little message to everyone letting you know what's been going on the past week.

Saturday and Sunday, I got sick - my tumors got the better of me and I ended up barely able to see, stuck on bedrest, almost hospitalized with searing, stabbing pain running through me.

Monday it was AfterDark's turn - I had to muster the strength to take her to the ER for abdominal pain that sounded as bad as, if not worse than mine.

Since then, we've been resting and recovering as best we could and we're finally starting to get back to the point we can function somewhat normally again. Food is staying in us, we can walk around without the room spinning, etc...

As for audios, I have good and bad news. The bad news is that there was no Wednesday audio because of this and the first 2 spicy audios are technically late by my schedule as well. (The 14th is the mid-point but I wanted them out by the 8th.) The good news is that I'm getting my voice back and should have them both finished and out to you by the end of tomorrow so you can enjoy them this weekend. More good news is that AD and I are working on more vampire scripts and while Youtube doesn't like blood sucking (I think because it sounds like sucking something else) I think I might make a special Patrons edit just for all of you so you can enjoy all the wonderful blood sucking SFX you like.

Also, unlike other content creators that do this sort of thing, I haven't posted any sort of body pics or anything like that. I was wondering if that was something you all would like. Within reason, of course.

On another note, For everyone that's stuck around and supported me through all of this, I want to thank you. From the bottom of my heart, I want to sincerely thank you in every way that I can. Thank you.



Thanks for the update I hope you too get better soon and I don't mind I think sometimes sucking blood is a turn on


We're here for you, the loyal few until the end. Just let us know if you need help.

Shaun The CHB

I'm glad both you and After Dark are both doing ok. Take your time and get well. You ladies are both double tough warriors. You both battle hard. I'm not going anywhere unless the world decides to pick up my house and throw me into space or something.