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So after things finally settling down from my uncle's passing, a major project finally getting finished for a close friend, and someone dear to me moving in, while I'm sitting down to record I get a call from my aunt who lives upstairs that my cousin is non-responsive.

She's got a lot of issues like autism and a lot of other things but the closest we can figure is she drank a lot of alcohol with her meds. Either way she's now at the hospital with my aunt and hopefully she wakes up because we don't need to lose another member of the family.

I don't even remember how many indirect family members we've lost now but this will be the second direct family member and I don't even want to think about that right now. To give her Narcan and they said something about her pupils being weird and blown out and they put her on oxygen.

Anyway thank you everyone for being here the past few months. I can't even begin to describe what your support means to me. I'm going to do my best to get out one more spicy audio this weekend. I have a script that I'd like to do and I really hope that you all enjoy it. As for regular audios think I'm going to put off the weekend safe for work audio until Monday.

Thank you everyone so very much. I love you all.



I very sorry to hear all that. I wish other stuff did not cheapen words like "thoughts, prayers and sympathys" but they're all I have at the moment.


Small update: it's been about 24 hours now I think. We thought we'd lost her, but the amazing medical team at St Mary's were wonderful. They induced a coma, intubated her, kept her going, and even though her blood alcohol level was .24 (legal limit is .08) and her blood sugar kept dropping down to the 40s (normal is around 100), she's now semi-conscious and able to answer questions. She's been getting worse for a long time and saying horrible things, but I don't think any of us expected her to do something like this. Thank you all for being here. Thank you. We honestly thought we had lost her.


One more small update. She was released today and she just got home. I hope and pray she learns from this, but having grown up with her and knowing how she is with all of her quirks and mental disabilities, I'm afraid she's not going to. Right now though, we are overwhelmingly blessed that she made it through it alive. For several hours there, we thought we had lost her. Thank you everyone for being there for us.