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Chapter 1 -
Part 1 | Part 2Part 3
Chapter 2 -
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 


End of chapter 2

- Thanks, I guess? But I’m not gonna stay with the pussyboys. I’m gonna get upgraded to the Men. And then I might as well get a piece of your ass, I answered, meaning to return the compliment somewhat.
Damian had put on glasses, which gave him a cute nerdy look. He grinned with his small mouth with plump lips. Perfect for wrapping around my cock, I thought. Damn it! Everything was turning me on. Was it gonna be like that for every boy here? I would lose my mind for sure.
- What? That’s not possible, you know. And you already broke one rule, you should be more careful.
- Pff, we’ll see about that, boy.
Damian gave me the same raised eyebrow the dude from the entrance kiosk had given me when I had asked to be shown to the Men’s training. That bratty attitude…
- Come on, let’s go, hot-head.
We walked to the only door, through which Adam had disappeared minutes ago, and left the room.

Chapter 3

Damian and I found ourselves in a bright white corridor that gave the sense we were in some sanitized resort. Identical doors lined up its length, from which more nervous-looking started emerging. They all wore that same uniform; the tight see-through crop top with assorted jocks, hat and sneakers. A shrunken, solid bulge that betrayed the cage they were all forced to wear under. The thought of all these boys’ freedom to please themselves having been taken away sent a surge of horniness through my body. My heart was beating harder and a failed erection pressed against my own cage. My hands went automatically down to my crotch in a hopeless effort to relieve the discomfort.

- Man I feel it too, said Damian, peeking at my bulge.

My face turned red realizing how dumb I must have looked, grabbing my crotch uselessly like that. Not very “dominant” looking…

I ignored Damian’s comment, and slapped his ass to set things straight. He smirked at me but didn’t add anything, and we started down the corridor along with everyone.

- Check it out, there’s more colors. Here it’s all red, but over there they got green. And these are yellow.

- Huh that’s hot! I wonder if we ever get to change colors.

The casual conversation eased the nervousness. I couldn’t help scrutinizing all the hot boys walking around us. I was getting packed and that made for a perfect excuse to bump into the cutest. My mind was setting itself back onto getting some ass.

All these were definitely the boys group. No signs of uncaged tops. The training was possibly entirely separate. That would save me from the embarrassment of facing the future Men… Most of all, it was Trevor I hoped not to see. His cock was still free, that bastard. His shaft was pretty girthy, I remembered. I also remember the stretch it put on my hole. And when he finally came, how it pulsed…

I shook my head and came back to my senses. I was not nearly rid of that fucking strain… and nothing I could do about it for now.

We came to a turn and finally reached a large open space, still white, still very well lit. There were plants everywhere, trees, and even fountains around the area. A considerable part of the walls and the ceiling were tiled windows, letting in bright daylight. Statues depicting oversized Men with their pussyboys were placed in various locations. For all the harshness I had expected from the Academy, the premises reminded me of a luxury resort. It was… quite nice I had to admit. I took in the surroundings and relaxed a bit.

Long curved tables were laid along concentric circular lines. Cafeteria trays lined them, put there by no one to be seen. The trays looked identical, with a decent portion of… something that didn’t exactly look very tasty. I had a feeling it had to be very high in protein and fiber though…

My stomach grumbled, and I realized I was starving.

- Holy shit man, I exclaimed, interrupting Damian in the middle of a sentence I hadn’t listened to. Let’s dig in.

Everyone sat and began to eat. The food seemed to lift the general mood. Nervous silence slowly traded for chitter-chatter across the hall, until the atmosphere was filled with conversation. Damian and I were seated with a dozen or so boys. It was a bit tight and there was no way to avoid pressing against either of my neighbors thighs. It wasn’t unpleasant; I was definitely a fan of invading the personal space of hotties. We introduced ourselves to each other as I mentally sorted them in order of which to fuck first when I got promoted to Man. Phil would probably be the first, with his cute puppy eyes and round butt… Or maybe Remy, the ginger boy.. or was it Rommy? Then the dark-haired guy I’d caught glancing at me a couple times… What was his name again… The strain in my cage was stealing my attention again. Off with that, soon…

Then there was Clyde. He was pretty tall and buff. I wouldn’t have thought a guy like him would end up among the boys. With his neatly trimmed beard and deep eyes with long lashes he would seem right in his place pounding some ass. The ass of a guy about my shape, for instance… Oooor what if I fucked a guy like him? Smaller muscle guy fucking big bull guy? Yeah I could definitely see that.

As I drank the last sip of some weird white protein shake, a robotic androgynous voice rose up from unseen speakers.

- Attention boy, training will commence shortly. Yellow boys, head to gym area 1.

The doorway opposite of the one we had come in lit up with a yellow frame.

- Blue boys, you are awaited at the dungeon, the voice continued with the same emotionless tone.

A murmur ran through the crowd at the mention of a dungeon. Scary, but also damn hot.

- Finally, green boys and red boys are to head to the field.

Three different entryways were lit up with the four colors.

- So we’re the reds, huh, I told Damian. I wonder what’s that about. And the field? That doesn’t sound too bad.

I did feel a certain excitement. I loved sports and was usually among the best at friendly games. I had shamelessly used that fact to gently coach cuter boys, and from one thing to another, spread their legs open and paint their insides with cum. That probably wouldn’t happen today, the strain reminded me of that. But hey, at least we were probably in for some fun.

- Pff speak for yourself.. Sports, bwahh, Damian bleated, faking to puke. I’d much rather work my butt at the gym and head to the sauna.

- There’s a sauna?

- I don’t know, I assume so, he shrugged.

- Come on baby girls! shouted a loud, deep voice.

Three tall, incredibly muscular older men had come out of each doorway and gestured everyone to move. Pure Alphas. The conversations faded and the boys dispersed in the direction marked with the color of their outfit.

I glanced at the man at the door with the red and green lights as we were closing in. There was a peculiar but irresistible handsomeness to his traits. His eyes were a light shade of brown, and they gazed down on the passing boys with an odd mix of affectionate care, and amusement.

- Field’s this way, boys. Come on, move along, he kept saying. Look at all this fresh meat! What are we ever gonna do with all of that? Oh hello, handsome.

He tenderly and firmly grabbed the cheek of a passing boy with an extra juicy ass, pushing him along. The boy’s blushed face was looked down and he kept on without a word. I realized I was slowing down. All that catcalling was really humiliating, yet I felt like I needed that guy to approve of me. I straightened my posture and looked straight ahead as though I couldn’t have cared less, and pressed on.

- Woah there, the Alpha exclaimed laughingly as his large, warm hand landed on my chest, stopping me with a definite strength. Not so fast my boy, you and I have a little something to deal with.

- Me.. Sir?

A panic rose in me. There was absolutely nothing I could do against a man built like that. The first rule of the Academy came back to mind: “Obey Alphas at all times”. His muscles looked so much bigger from this close up. I was frozen in place.

- Yes, boy. You. Follow me.



🥵 so hot can't wait for the next update


Thank you for these!!! Such good stories.