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By default, everyone who joins the $5 tier will have access to one free sketch request that they can choose to redeem when given the opportunity. These opportunities will be similar to commissions in the sense that you'll need to reserve a slot in order for the request to be honored (I'll make posts where you'll be able to reserve a spot in a "first come, first serve" fashion)

Once a request is used, you'll need to either commission me, or stay pledged for two months straight to restore your free request.

Rules of the requests:

Requests will be limited to just colorless sketches of characters (no OCs as of now).
I reserve to right to deny any character I deem unsuited for my style or ethics.

Characters that are highly detailed are likely to be denied as of now.

The scenarios for the requested drawings are (for now) limited to tease, tickle, or pampering. You can specify how these are presented, but there can't be a second character (ex: hands, brushes, tongues). You can also request for stocks, light bondage, or blindfolds. Footwear and socks can be requested to be off to the side as well.

If there are any questions, I'll answer them on Discord, or DMs on Patreon. I'll be sure to include a QnA section here if I find it necessary.


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