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Laomeng has been making animation software called ?AnimeEffects?

It is a very fast and straightforward software for making simple animations.

Previously, Laomeng used Live2D.

As the quality of the production is higher, the more actions,

For example, last month's reward, using AnimeEffects took more time.

But this AnimeEffects is free and stopped updating in 2014

Many functions are very difficult to use and waste time

Considered for a long time to give sponsors better quality content and speed

Decided to use Live2D

But Live2D has not been used for nearly 2 years,

and the version has also been upgraded from 2.0 to 4.0

Therefore, the production time will be much longer this time.

But this is only the beginning, and after getting familiar with it,

it will be faster than in the past

Of course, if this time is faster than expected, it will still be delivered on time

and I will show every why I want to change LIve2D














20191130 lameng

Thanks to the image sponsor for responding so quickly,

but laomeng forgot to upload the image (; ???)








其實我很早就知道Live2D可以做更好,本來不想脫離舒適圈去換, 但原本軟體已經無法應付我對品質及速度的要求 , 一定得下定決心換

무개 아

Will it be better quality? ^^

