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Commission for BassBoostMaster with mermaid version of Heather Mason from Silent Hill




The Legend of the Siren of Silent Hill Many, many years ago, a young woman named Cheryl Mason was born in this town. The sources that state the following are unconfirmed, but it is said that she possessed the power and was the reincarnation of Alessa Gillespie, daughter of the leader of the now-infamous “The Order”, a cult that has long since been eradicated years ago. The Order planned to use Alessa as a vessel to summon their “god”, an evil being that would destroy the world if summoned. However, Alessa did not want this to happen, so she split herself into two people to sabotage the summoning. Many years later, the two halves would be reunited again to stop the evil god once again, thanks to the help and bravery of a man named Harry Mason. After stopping the god, Alessa reincarnated herself as Cheryl Mason, handing her newborn self to Harry. But The Order continued to live on, even though it was significantly weakened. A new leader of the cult, Claudia Wolf, attempted to revive the evil god once again. After an attempted attack from The Order when she was young, Cheryl Mason used an alias, Heather Mason, to hide her family from the cult. She and her adoptive father fled this town in order to escape The Order’s grasp, but it was futile. Claudia Wolf killed Cheryl’s adoptive father, Harry Mason, and attempted to use Cheryl Mason as a vessel to summon “god.” However, thanks to the young girl’s bravery, the evil god was once again defeated. After the incident, it took many years, but The Order was finally eradicated. The cult is currently no more. After defeating The Order’s so-called “god”, Cheryl went to move on with her life. Not much is known about her life after the events of defeating The Order’s “god.” Legends say that on her deathbed, the powers of this land (please see Page 10 for “The Powers of Silent Hill” for more information) asked for her help to improve the world and other peoples’ lives. Cheryl accepted this new task and was reincarnated as a water spirit, or as popular culture calls, a Mermaid, or a Siren, depending on who you ask. Nobody knows for sure, but the powers that this land carries slowly became holy and purified again after Cheryl became a guardian-like figure of this town. Many locals of the town and others that have previously visited this spot believe that the spirit of Cheryl Mason lives on in Silent Hill. They say she uses her power to “lure” many people to this town, very much like a siren. She lures good people to this place in order to heal them physically, spiritually, or emotionally, but she also lures bad people to this land in order for the powers of Silent Hill to punish them for their sins. Many good people have had their lives flourish and forever changed for the better after being “lured” to this town, while many bad people who have been led here have been broken beyond repair. Good people who were sent here by this land’s power say that the town is beautiful, and is a place of peace and healing. While some of the bad peoples’ accounts are very few due to the very small number of survivors being coherent enough to form words, those that are still somewhat sane enough describe Silent Hill as an eerie, tormenting hellscape, changing in nature according to each person’s sins. Even though many people have been lured to this town by Cheryl Mason’s spirit, very few have actually seen what she looks like. However, a small but significant number of people have claimed to have actually seen and/or conversed with Cheryl. Most people just catch a glimpse of Cheryl walking around town, looking the same as she was when she was a young adult, but a smaller number of people have seen her in a significantly different form at bodies of water near Silent Hill. The drawings above have been made from the details of the accounts of those who have witnessed Cheryl’s water spirit form. Most have described her wearing her iconic jacket, and even fewer have seen her without this. It is widely believed she only shows herself in this form to those who are the purest of heart, mind, and soul. However, she always wears around her neck the gift her adopted father gave her that ended up saving her from the evil god in the end. Needless to say, all good people who have witnessed this form describe her as an otherworldly beauty. However, this has not been the case for everyone who has witnessed or conversed with Cheryl’s spirit. Almost every bad person who has encountered Cheryl describes her as being so eldritch and horrifying they could not even put it into words. They say that if a bad person looks at Cheryl for too long, they will gradually lose their sanity. As such, there are currently no drawings of Cheryl in this form, for everyone who has been asked to describe it all break down mentally or emotionally. Nowadays, in addition to being a hot tourist spot for visitors, the town of Silent Hill is also considered a land of great healing and peace, now that the powers and land have healed and become holy again. Multiple people arrive to this town from all over the world to heal and find peace. Most people consider the powers of Silent Hill to be just a myth or an urban legend, but strangely enough, the small number of people who have witnessed or experienced this land’s power is significant enough to warrant some belief. On top of that, this land seems to reject or punish those who are unworthy of forgiveness or have committed terrible sins. Do YOU believe the Legend of the Siren of Silent Hill? If you are a good enough person, you might just be able to spot her spirit, luring more people to this town to heal….. or punish. -Silent Hill Tourism Bureau


Late Halloween gift for everyone and in celebration of Silent Hill! 😄