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Hello everyone, we have not very positive news to announce. First of all, thank you all who supported us all this time. We really loved our small and warm community built around patreon for the last two years, where we could be ourselves, do what we like and bring joy to others. Hope everyone also has only good memories.

Unfortunately now we have no possibility to withdraw money from patreon and we have to reorganize our activity here. We will freeze billing cycle for now, so you won't be charged next months even staying on the same tiers. We still will keep some open activity here and will be very glad if you stay with us for now, maybe situation will change in the future and we'll be able to continue working as before.
Regarding sketch tiers. This month all content will be posted according to usual schedule. Next month everyone will get their March sketch personally as soon as they will be done. Everyone who already sent payment for additional versions will also get them. If you didn't pay yet we will contact you.
Doodles also will be send personally to everyone who made request.

Patreon and paypal commissions were our only income and for now the only way to get payments for us is "Deviantart commissions" because they can send payments to a crypto wallet. We'll be sure if we can work with it on the 21 of March. The difficulty here is that DAcommissions don't have private invoices/limited tiers only open unlimited slots shown for everyone so we'll have to deal with it somehow to finish our commissions queue and open new slots. We will add any new information about it on discord server.

If you have any questions please dm Gig on discord. Thank you everyone.



This is not what I expected to read while putting sriracha sauce on my tomato chicken potato gratin at 7 in the morning after pulling an all-nighter working D&D stuff out. This is a pretty scuffed situation, I really hope you can work something out.


I was expecting this message. And not the first one that I have received of this kind. I'm glad you seem to have found some solution. I hope it works and will continue to work in the future. The world is very unpredictable right now :-( please be safe


Oooh, that thing looked really tasty, you know. Lucky you :D In other words, we're staying positive no matter what :3


Everything will be fine, we have plan B, plan C and even more :3 Thank you!

Leon Astreal

Stay safe guys and I hope this blows over quickly


Sorry to hear this, is there an online payment service that could be used to support you instead of Deviantart point commissions?


Working on alternatives, just need time to be sure. Tbh dA looks promising, it allows you to pay not just with points but regular cards.