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Hi there, dear patrons.
It happened that we weren't able to create and upload new content in past days because of family emergency. Right now we have a lot of work to finish for this month, so planing to post 2-3 times per day to make everything in time.
A lot of awesome characters are awaiting for their turn!



Family goes above all. I hope everything is alright, and it's great to hear from you guys! Please stay strong, and enjoy the little things in life.


Don't strain yourselves!


Be sure not to overwork yourselves. We can be patient for your art.


Oh no! :< I'm with everyone else so far. Take care of yourselves first. Also, I hope everything turned out alright with the family emergency! I'll have well wishes for you and your family!


I hope everyone is alright, I don't care if mine is posted next month or skipped entirely.


unfortunately it was the worst case... Gig wrote about it in discord announcements (messy)


Take your time, if the work is late that's fine, you can't plan for emergencies after all


I agree take your time do only what you are comfortable with. Losing a parent is not easy both of mine were taken early so I understand. Take it day by day some days will be better than others so there could be days you do not feel like doing anything. If that is how you take the day off. As others said we can skip or wait