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Hey guys, sorry for the lack of update this weekend.

I had a little too much to drink earlier in the week, annnnd ended up faceplanting in the street. Scraped my legs and arms up pretty bad and rolled my ankle. the worst part is that i lost my glasses, and as you might imagine being productive when you can barely see is pretty difficult.

I didn't get to do much since I was basically laying in bed the past couple days, but today I was able to get some temp contacts which makes doing stuff a bit easier. Sorry for the delays, I will try to release the 2nd HD char within the next 2 weeks. All that's left is finishing her mating press and side missionary.



Hope you recover soon. I wanted to know if you had a link to a good DongHwan. The ones I download seem to just try and fight in watch mode.


I'm trying to find one that has the white outfit instead of the black and red.


That's just an alternate palette, IIRC the palette you want can be chosen with the Z key As for them just fighting in watch mode, I think DongHwan doesn't havev any AI for his aggressor moves.


Faceplanting can be much worse, lethal even if one is super unkucky. Glad you'll be okay. Best wishes.