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Hey guys!

For this weekly update, i'd figure i'd show you the progress with Erika Furudo. I have the animatons for all 4 basic moves in now, and at the moment it's just a matter of refining the animations and making them a bit more appealing to the eye.

I might be able to release the WIP version of her in the next couple of days, but im not 100% sure. For now though, I am going to take a break from working on her and moving on to the (comparitvely easier) content I need to deliver on, mainly super fan anims and the previous poll winner updates, as well as finishing the geese animations.



damn that's beautiful sprite work, maybe your best yet all that struggle paid off


This is a good thing, more game characters!

Bill Duke

Great work! How did your finals go?


Erika furudo WIP, can you post this role? This role is very good