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So with overwhelming support, these changes will go into effect tomorrow:

I just want to reiterate that I will still do HD characters.  The main reason for this change is ensuring I provide everyone with more content and updates while working on large HD characters.  With the start of university, it's pretty clear I can't keep up with the current workload, and I think this is probably the best solution.

Theoretically, even for the character updates, all the chosen ones could still be HD chars, but updating an animation or 2 of theirs is 10x easier than creating it. I don't mind the amount of time it takes to do them, but I don't want you guys just waiting around for months while it gets done especially in scenarios where there is little to show for it for some time.

 Ideally, going forward I will release several updates to older chars to bring them up to standards while I continue working on the main project poll winners in the background. This way, I can also address the issue of chars I worked on that never got the full works in terms of compatibility that they should have received, resolve the issue in the lack of updates communication when im grinding away at the more difficult projects, and increase the overall number of releases per month.

Anyway, on to the changes:

=====Character Update Nominations=====

-Nominate any existing mugen victim to receive an update to their hentai anims (the specific anim you want updated/added can be listed as well)

-$5 Tier  can nominate a single low res character

$10+ can nominate any single character without restriction

=====Character Update Poll=====

-Vote on the character to update. Available to all tiers.

===== Position Ponderer Poll (3P)=========== 


Vote on character position variations, such as their facial expressions and other position alterations for KO or 2nd stage animations 

===== Aggressor Update Nomination  & Poll=====

Works just like character nomination, but for aggressors (EXCEPT TOBF). Everyone at this tier can nominate, and then vote on a character they want to see updated. Must be an aggressor developed by me.

Super Fan Tier

I learned I can't change this tier while people are pledged to it....so until everyone unpledge, I can't adjust it ):

So everyone still pledged next month, I will just give you all 3 pts for super fan anim of your choice. But make sure to unpledge after, or you will keep being charged the $45. I will create the new tier afterwards..I will create another post specifically for you guys to make sure everyone sees it

Let me know if you have any questions/comments!



all sounds good. you should make a chart to use during polls so we know the limits on low-res/HD sprites


I would like to wish you to succeed even though you were at university. I agree, there’s a chronic lack of time somewhere