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Hey guys,

The focus right now will still be on Mai, I will aim to try to get as much as I can added without rushing things.

This month, I will try things a bit differently and try to knock out some easier side projects that can be done in a few days, first of which will be the Psylocke update (Nelson/Grope/Doggy Variations). I haven't posted anything on here about her because I will literally be done and have the early release up in like 1-2 days, so look out for that. After that's done, I will spend some time on the Super Fan animations and a few other obligations I have, then it's back to Mai. This is what's definite, but I am gonna aim to squeeze in a few other updates throughout the month! :)



Sounds good, looking forward to another good month! Do you have an estimate on Mai's Japanese voice, btw? Or will that come with the next release towards the end of this month?

Steven B.

Ooooh Mai sounds lovely.....it's ok I'll wait my turn. Seems like it's gonna be a while it's alright. See you soon Gettag


Excited to hear that there is going to be a psylocke update. Great work gettag


I hope that you want Mr. gettag to work hard enough. I'm waiting for updates on psylocke and mai!