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Tried my hand at this. Based off suggestions, my aim is to have Poison's 2nd stage of doggy involve her groping her targets breasts. Had a bit  of trouble with the hand until I freestyled it, things came out better than expected there..but anyway, how's this look so far? 

I'm not sure what type of facial expression I should use for this one, and you can consider the one up there a placeholder

Like most of the WIP stuff I post it isn't exactly 100% representative of the final product, but do you guys like the direction of this or do you have any suggestions as far as improving it? ( I accidentally made this a poll and don't feel like going all the way back to rewrite everything, sorry, but I guess it serves for people too lazy to comment )



I think a more smug look on Poison's face would suit her character better. Maybe use that face for the cumming animation?


I can agree with this, would really drive home just how much she is dominating her opponent, the hands look good so far though, just a bit of touching up and it could be great, though seeing it compatible across several characters might be pretty difficult from what i can tell


good! very good!