Sophitia/Lyndis Update (Patreon)
I tried working on Sophitia first, but the number of sprites I can use for my own perverted purposes are pretty limited.
Since I didn't like a lot of what I could see I started making a custom head sprite based off of Sophitia's SCV art and a hi-res sprite I saw somewhere, but as you can see below it's pretty drastically different from the style and palette of the original above
So I don't know if I should just alter the original palette to suit the sprite I did or stick to the original..rather than waste time mulling over this I just switched to working on Lyn.
The edit I did above needs work as it doesn't mesh as well in the default palette ( I used brighter colors), but I was able to just pluck a head sprite and modify it fairly easily for what I wanted to do.
Anyway that's all for this post! Let me know if you have any suggestions/input below as usual.