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This one isn't so much a recomendation as it is a suggestion for something to keep an eye on, plus it's not something everyone has already played like dead cells!  

The first thing you'll notice about I'm Not a Monster is it's striking 50's aesthetic, situating itself as somewhere between the original star trek series and the day the earth stood still, whilst I can't say I'm a massive fan of the booby space ladies (theme appropriate though they may be), I am however in love with the goofy rubber suit monsters that represent the game's baddies.  

I'm Not a Monster takes place on a space station under attack by monsters, and six players must work together to evacuate the survivors and escape from the monsters- little do they know, two of the six have already been infected and can transform into horrible green dr who rejects intent on infecting and murdering all the humans they can find.   It's your classic traitor game setup and there's quite a lot of tactics to playing as the monsters in particular, from when to drop your disguise, how best to co-ordinate your subtle infection of the crew and how best to go on the offensive. 

There's a decent amount of intrigue and a lot of finger pointing as you call out someone for being a monster, defend yourself and end up murdering eachother whilst the real baddies get away scot free by using that teleporter you gave them to escape to the other side of the ship.

The game is far from finished, with some UI niggles, some overpowered weapons and spotty matchmaking, but with work this could turn into a fun turn based traitor game to match the real time antics of the likes of Trouble in Terrorist Town (which really deserves a video because it rules) and I think at the very least the demo is a few rounds of fun, that is if you can find anyone playing which I pretty much couldn't after the first day the demo was made available.  

(for early access peeps, the new video should go up tomorrow and the day after for everyon else, I've had a lot of corrupted footage to deal with so there's been some delays, sorry!)  



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