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When I first started thinking about making a patreon one year ago I did not expect to it go that well
Im greatful everyday since I decided to make it a thing, because thanks to all of you im able to live purely from my passion while attending college at the same time
It wouldnt be possible without any of you and im so thankful im actually sobbing a bit atm

With this anniversary come some changes!
As most of you already know there are going to be changes coming to life today regarding perks for some tiers
Things change mostly for 4th tier, making it more realistic for me to work properly on rewards

1st tier: - Nothing changes other than the fact, that every tier wont have "livestreams" listed  

2nd tier: The same as 1st  

3rd tier: Same as the previous ones  

4th tier:
- 2 sketch requests a month (im changing it into requests so when you have ideas what you want you can come up to me, tell me and I'll gladly draw what you want
- its just that I no longer will go around being like GIVE ME IDEAS FOR THIS MONTH'S PIECE REEEEEEEEEE. I think its both stressful for me and you, because there is pressure around those drawings instead of them being fun and well, wanted)
- Free commission slots from time to time - dependent on how busy I am. Those, who hadn't got their patreon commissions done in previous months will have certain amount of free commission slots to use at any point given. Includes all artwork styles, pick what you want, no matter if its detailed shading or just a sketch - they are meant to be for you so I want to do what YOU want (not when its me screaming GIVE ME IDEAAAAA)
- 1 time use: original character designed by me for you, including reference sheet for them. This character becomes yours and you have all the rights to use them however you want

Since poll for that was already made and there were no objections at all those changes will appear as soon as its possible!

Im also launching special offer with sketches for every current patron and new ones that it would be nice if appeared XD
But im still very much so content with the small community I was able to create in a year!
Thanks to every each and one of you, I love you <3 




klfhsljghlsaghslkghs Love you too you precious bean! Your art was always very very beautiful to me and I will support you no matter what! <3 Also funfact: I gave you around 240$ with my tier 4 simp pledge xD