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Good weekend to everyone. Hi and i'm bring new updates to H-animation plus pack, after some thinking i make this new post and i will update the pack only in here (* ̄▽ ̄)b


_Version 1.0.4 add new pose called Leg Hold against Wall and looks at preview, the main idea is for male to hold one leg of female and perform sexual acts, i was facing a problem when i had to fix mostly everything of the pose becoz for some reasons, Studio motions have different set up than main game, the original pose was completely fine in the game but behaving weirdly in studio, thank you Illusion. I'm also make some fixes to Reserve Cowgirl. This version is a part of commission.
_Currently h-animations are having problem, here is an example: a male using hand and holding on to female's wrist, when you turn on advance bone and make the wrist bigger, male's fingers would automatically expand along with scaling progress, so it still maintain grabbing state despite how big or small female's wrist is. Mod animations don't have this function yet, vanilla animations have it, me and modder community are trying to figure how to implement in mod animations       (; ̄Д ̄)

_HF patch.

_Animation loader (GitHub - IllusionMods/AnimationLoader)


GDRIVE V1.0.7 

MEGA V1.0.7 

_Unzip, copy contents inside "Mod contents" folder to root game folder, overwritten.

<><><>Change log<><><>
+V1.0.4: Add new pose Leg Hold against Wall, fix some problems with Reserve Cowgirl.

+V1.0.5: Add new pose Shell pressing V shaped legs or V-shell in short, updating mod pack to use Animation Loader plugin from now on.

+V1.0.6: Add new pose Standing forward bending, updating new pose with smooth and better movements.

+V1.0.7: Add 1 new pose: Cowgirl leaning incomplete, have to wait for AnimationLoader get new updates so i could put sofa into scene.




Cool! We can never have enough H-poses in this game.


When shits happened all in one day, that why i had to delay on animating, but i'm glad it's only little late but not very late ( ̄︿ ̄)


Awesomeness! Always love me some more poses! :3