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"Wait a second, where are pictures?"
Hi everyone and i'm currently cleaning animations and make some adjustments, meaning the animation mod is in final state of completion, there are a lot to do but having gone this far, it's very fun and challenging, so instead of boring picture previews, i'm gonna answering questions relating to animations just for funs ٩(◕‿◕。)۶
Q: Does porting animation from other eroge game easier than making animation from scratch?
A: I would say both have same difficulty. It's not every games have unity engine and even so, the setting between games are not guarantee the same, so porting method surely quicker than manually animating but the problem is about compatibility, which very nuisance and in a lot of scenarios, it can cost time than traditional animating.

Q: So what are benefits from traditional animating comparing to porting method?
A: Total control: you can build any movements you wants, you know where errors lay down and can fix it, you can adjusting animation base on desire. Basically traditional animating brings a lot of benefits, but learning and improving skills are the hardest part.

Q: Does animation mod only for Koikatsu?
A: Hell no, both porting and making methods can bring animation mod to any game, it's just depend on the game and your skills.

Q: Do you watching a lot of hentai/porn to make sex animation mod?
A: Surprisingly no (o・ω・o)
But it's good to learn from already existing materials, i did check out some r34 pictures to build animations though.

Q: Why is your sex animation mod looks stiff some times?
A: that's because model from Koikatsu lacks flexibility, it's like working with a hard rubber mannequin. I can build animation but can't change structure of vanilla model.

Q: Does H-animation supporting extra objects in scene?
A: Yes, i did check data files and looks like the method is similar enough to H-map builds, so if you are already knows how to make H-map or just any map, you can easily add extra object into H-scenes.

Q: How long for animator to build one sex animation mod?
A: Depending on skills and knowledge, expert can build 2 sex poses in 1 month. Though i had no documents when i started to animating so yeah, first time taking longer but it will be faster after that.

Q: Is there any limitation to h-animation mod?
A: The only limitation i have aware is bones movement, too much rotation can deforming bones leading to deforming character, also fps is limited to 30 on animating. Though plugin can resolve to 60fps but i still have to works with 30fps, for duration it could be as long as you wants but the longer it is, the more works it will bring (#><)

Q: Finally does h-animation mod easy enough for newbie?
A: Yeah no, it's not newbie friendly but doesn't mean newbie should giving up on it, it's about willpower and patient to keep working forward \( ̄▽ ̄)/

This maybe my last post on wip series. Thank everyone for supports ( ̄ω ̄)


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