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This time we'll learn how to say "AND" properly.
This is one of the most common mistakes beginners make.

I already made this lesson before but revamped this lesson because I wanted to add more things in the video but also because Youtube muted a part of the old video because it claimed that I used copyrighted music (which I didn't...).
Anyway I'm happy that I made this video again.

This video is for absolute beginners but if you are curious about the differences between て and から as "because", watch this till the end!

One thing I forgot to mention in the video is what to do when there are multiple reasons.
For example, to say
"I like dogs because they are cute."
we say 「犬はかわいくて、好き 」
(inu wa kawaiKUTE, suki)
(inu wa kawaii KARA suki).

But what about "I like dogs because they're cute AND smart."?
Althought you can use two or more adjectives in the TE form in a sentence as "AND",
as "BECAUSE", it's not so common.
So instead of
(inu wa kawaiKUTE, kashikoKUTE, suki)
it's more natural to say
(inu wa kawaiKUTE, kashikoi KARA, suki)
(inu wa kawaii SHI, kashikoi SHI, suki)
*"し" is used to list multiple reasons and it implies that there are more reasons. (Like "because X and Y AND SO ON")

P.S. We usually use 賢い (kashikoi) instead of 頭がいい(atama ga ii) as "smart" when talking about dogs.

You can also watch the review lesson for I-adjective/NA-adjective.


① Conjugate the following adjectives and nouns to the TE form
(The last な is omitted for NA-adjectives to make it difficult!)

1.  おいしい
2. 簡単(かんたん)
3. きれい
4. ピンク
5. 重い(おもい)
6. 会社員(かいしゃいん)

② 翻訳してみましょう。(honyaku shite-mi-mashou)
Try translating the following sentences.

1. This book is long and boring.
2. My car is old and dirty.
3. This room is clean and bright.
4. This manga is easy and funny.
5. Hiro is a company employee by day and a hero by night.
6. Nana is famous and popular.
7. Nana is popular because she's good at singing.
8. My computer is easy to carry because it's light.
9. I can't see anything because my eyesight is bad.
10.  I can't talk because my throat is sore.

⇩Scroll down for answers⇩

1.  おいしい  ⇒ おいしくて = delicious and
2. 簡単(かんたん)  ⇒ 簡単で = easy and
3. きれい  ⇒ きれいで (NA-ADJECTIVE!!) = beautiful;clean and
4. ピンク  ⇒ ピンクで = pink and
5. 重い(おも-い)⇒ 重くて = heavy and
6. 会社員(かいしゃいん)⇒ 会社員で = company employee and

1. This book is long and boring.
kono hon wa naga-kute, tsumaranai

2. My car is old and dirty.
(watashi no) kuruma wa furu-kute, kitanai

3. This room is clean and bright.
kono heya wa kirei-de, akarui

4. This manga is easy and funny.
kono manga wa kantan de, omoshiroi

5. Hiro is a company employee by day and a hero by night.  
ひろは昼は会社員で、夜はヒーロー (だ or です)
hiro wa hiru wa kaisha-in de, yoru wa hiiroo (da / desu)

6. Nana is famous and popular.
nana wa yuumei de, ninki

7. Nana is popular because she's good at singing.
ナナは歌が上手で、人気。or ナナは歌が上手くて、人気。
nana wa uta ga jouuzu de, ninki     or    nana wa uta ga uma-kute ninki

8. My computer is easy to carry because it's light.
(私の)パソコンは軽くて、運びやすい。/ 持ち歩きやすい。
(watashi no) pasokon wa karu-kute, hakobi-yasui / mochi-aruki-yasui

9. I can't see anything because my eyesight is bad.
me ga waru-kute, nanimo mie-nai

10.  I can't talk because my throat is sore.
nodo ga ita-kute, hanase-nai

Let me know how you did it or if you have questions :)


#31 Connecting Adjectives (TE form) くて/で┃DON'T USE と as "AND" (JLPT N5)

Exercises (AD free) on PATREON - https://www.patreon.com/japaneseammo This time we will learn how to connect two or more adjectives, link clauses in Japanese. STOP using と (to) as "and"!! It's wrong to say "かわいい と やさしい (kawaii TO yasashii)" as "cute AND kind". Watch the lesson and find out what we use instead! ★ Adjective review video - https://youtu.be/45vSd2dLaQU ---------------------------------------------------------------- Twitter lessons! Talk to me @japaneseammo https://twitter.com/japaneseammo Instagram @japaneseammo_misa https://bit.ly/35urpjr ★☆★NEW JAPANESE AMMO MERCHSHOP★☆★ https://bit.ly/39OPwwo (US / CANADA / INTERNATIONAL) https://bit.ly/39NqxKb (UK / EU / INTERNATIONAL) ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ (^_-)-☆Twitch (gaming)☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ https://www.twitch.tv/japaneseammo_misa Join my kawaii gang on FB: https://www.facebook.com/japaneseammo/



One thing I don't understand is when you hear a sentence in Japanese, how do you distinguish the "and" with "で" instead of the basic action particle で. I can't figure out if it's to say "and" or to say "because" or to say just the basic particle like "in etc..." how can I tell the difference?

Japanese Ammo with Misa

Japanese is very contextual so usually you can distinguish them by the context. If you see +で, most likely the で can be translated as "at / in". If you see +で, then で means "by means of / by using".

Keith McNichols

I learn more from your videos than I have from other sources. Thank You.