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This time we are going to read/listen to one of the most famous Japanese classic short stories.
It's called 『注文の多い料理店』 (Chūmon no ōi ryōri-ten) "The Restaurant of Many Orders" by 宮沢賢治 (Kenji Miyazawa).

You can download the scripts (one with the translation and one just in Japanese)

and the mp3 file to listen to it on the go.

The scripts don't have any furigana so I recommend you to print one out and write the furigana over the kanji watching the video. It'd be a great way to practice reading some kanji!

Watch the grammar lesson here. 

⇩ More classics ⇩

☆ 蜘蛛の糸 (kumo no ito - The Spider's Thread by Ryūnosuke Akutagawa)

Full video
Just the story 

   こころ  (by Sōseki Natsume)


Reading Practice: The Restaurant Of Many Orders (注文の多い料理店)

Let's read Japanese classics together :)