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We'll have a BUT exercise today! xD
「でも、けど、が、のに」 の復習(ふくしゅう)をしましょう!

If you want a challenge, try translating these sentences.
Scroll down for easier exercises.

1. A: Let's go for a drive!
B: Sounds good. But I might get a carsickness...

2. This hotel is expensive but dirty. 

3.  This book is popular but not interesting.

4. My father is a mathematician but I am not good at maths. 

5.  I drank alcohol but didn't get drunk.

6.   I didn't study but I got a hundred. *surprised* 

7.  I'm annoyed because Mamoru got a hundred (on a test) even though he didn't study. *frustrated* 

8.  I don't dislike it but don't like it very much either. 

9.  I have to work even though it's the weekend. 

10.  I'll try my best but can't promise.

11.  Pochi is a dog but doesn't play with a ball. *surprised*   

12.  I slept for 10 hours but I'm still sleepy. 

13. I like this film. But I don't want to watch it now. 

14.  I can drive but it's quicker to go (there) by train. 

15. Even though I ordered curry, they brought me  an udon. *frustrated* 

Rearrange Words To Make Meaningful Sentences

1. A: Let's go for a drive!  B: Sounds good. But I might get a carsickness... 

 いいね / ドライブ / かも  /  でも /  行(い)こう / に / 車酔(くるまよ)いしちゃう

 2.   This hotel is expensive but dirty. 

ホテル / 高(たか)い / この / のに /  は /汚(きたな)い

3.  This book is popular but not interesting. 

 面白(おもしろ)くない /  は / だ /  本(ほん) /人気(にんき)/ けど /  この   


 4.   My father is a mathematician but I am not good at maths. 

  ですが  / は / 数学者(すうがくしゃ)/ 私(わたし) / 苦手(にがて) / 数学(すうがく)/ 父(ちち) / が / です。   

5.   I drank alcohol but didn't get drunk. 

 飲(の)んだ / お酒(さけ)/ 酔(よ)わなかった / を / けど  

 6.  I didn't study but I got a hundred. *surprised*   

  100点(ひゃくてん) /   だった or 取(と)れた / 勉強(べんきょう)/ しなかった / のに

 7.  I'm annoyed because Mamoru got a hundred (on a test) even though he didn't study. *frustrated* 

まもる/  しなかった /    は / 取 (と) った / むかつく/  を / から /勉強(べんきょう)/ のに100点 (ひゃくてん) 

8.   I don't dislike it but don't like it very much either.  

 あまり / ではありません/  嫌(きら)い / が /ではありません /  好(す)き 

9.  I have to work even though it's the weekend. 

 働(はたら)かなきゃ /  けど  / 週末(しゅうまつ)/ だ  

 10.  I'll try my best but can't promise. 

  でも  / 頑張(がんば)る / 約束(やくそく)/は  /できない。


11.  Pochi is a dog but doesn't play with a ball. *surprised*    

 で  /   犬(いぬ) / ぽち / な / 遊(あそ)ばない /   のに  / ボール

 12.   I slept for 10 hours but I'm still sleepy.   

10時間(じゅうじかん)/  まだ /  けど / 眠(ねむ)い /  寝(ね)た 

13.   I like this film. But I don't want to watch it now.   

 今(いま)は / この /  でも / が  / 好(す)き。/ 見(み)たくない /   映画(えいが) 

14.   I can drive but it's quicker to go (there) by train. 

  行(い)った / 運転(うんてん)/ で / できます /  電車(でんしゃ) /   速(はや)い / ほうが/  が / です。  

15.  Even though I ordered curry, they brought me  an udon. *frustrated* 

 を  /  出(で)てきた  /注文(ちゅうもん)/  が  /   カレー  / した / のに /  うどん   

Scroll down for answers ↓

1. ドライブに行こう!

= Let's go for a drive!
= Sounds good. But I might get a carsickness. (ちゃう = unintentionally / although I don't like it)

2. このホテルは高いのに、汚い。 

= This hotel is expensive but dirty.

3. この本は人気だけど、面白くない。

= This book is popular but not interesting.

4.  父は数学者ですが、私は数学が苦手です。  

= My father is a mathematician but I am not good at maths.

5. お酒を飲んだけど、酔わなかった。

= I drank alcohol but didn't get drunk.

6. 勉強しなかったのに、100点 だった or 取れた。

  勉強(べんきょう)しなかったのに、100点(ひゃくてん) だった or 取(と)れた。
= I didn't study but I got a hundred. *surprised*

7. まもるは勉強しなかったのに、100点を取ったから、むかつく。

 まもるは勉強(べんきょう)しなかったのに、100点 (ひゃくてん) を取 (と) ったから、むかつく。
= I'm annoyed because Mamoru got a hundred (on a test) even though he didn't study. *frustrated*

8.  嫌いではありませんが、あまり好きではありません。 

= I don't dislike it but don't like it very much either.

9. 週末だけど、働かなきゃ。

= I have to work even though it's the weekend.

10. 頑張る。でも、約束はできない。
/ 頑張るけど、約束はできない。

/ 頑張(がんば)るけど、約束(やくそく)はできない。
= I'll try my best but can't promise.

 11. ぽちは犬なのに、ボールで遊ばない。 

= Pochi is a dog but doesn't play with a ball. *surprised* 

12.  10時間寝たけど、まだ眠い。

= I slept for 10 hours but I'm still sleepy.

13. この映画が好き。でも、今は見たくない。

= I like this film. But I don't want to watch it now.

14. 運転できますが、電車で行ったほうが速いです。

= I can drive but it's quicker to go (there) by train.

15.  カレーを注文したのに、うどんが出てきた。 

= Even though I ordered curry, they brought me  an udon. *frustrated*


BUT in Japanese - でも vs けど vs が vs のに *PATREON*

This is the longer video with more examples and explanations on the grammar points exclusive to Patrons.


Dimitar Lazarov


Wilfredo Rosado

I just hope I won't lose friendships for using wrong words at wrong times haha. You have a good teaching method though.