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こんにちは!I published the "と as IF" lesson on Youtube.
I wanted to share more example sentences using と as "if / when".
You'll see this と being used in many public signs in Japan too.

1. Place your hand over the censor to flush.
⇒ If you place your hand over the censor, water flows.
= センサーに手をかざすと、水が流れます。
せんさー に て を かざす と、みず が ながれます

水を流す = to  flush, to run water
水が流れる = water flows, water drains

2. Buy 2, Get 10% OFF.
= If you buy (more than) 2, (you get) 10 % off.
 = 2点以上買うと10%OFF
にてん いじょう かう と、じゅっぱーせんと おふ

Also I didn't mention this in this video but when giving direction, we also use this と.
(I'll make a lesson just on direction too!)

1.  (If you) Turn right at the second corner and you'll see it on your right.
= 二つ目の角を右に曲がると、右手に見えます。
ふとつめ の かど を みぎ に まがる と、みぎて に みえます

2. (If you) Go straight for about 10 minutes, there's a Seven-Eleven.
じゅっぷん ほど まっすぐ いく と、せぶんいれぶん が あります

More example sentences using と as "IF / WHEN":

わらう と、なみだ が でる
= When I laugh, I cry (tears come out).
*Here using 泣く(なく)as "to cry" sounds odd.

ずっと すわっている と、こし が いたく なる
= When I keep sitting for a long time, my lower back hurts.
*You can do "~ている" as well.

めいく を おとす と、べつじん みたい
= I look like a different person when / if I take my makeup off. :p

おふろ に はいる と、ゆび が しわしわ に なる
= When I take a bath, my fingers wrinkle.

でんわ しない と、おや が しんぱい する
= My parents will worry if I don't give them a call.

にほんじん は とし を とる と、こし が まがる ひと が おおい
= A lot of Japanese people have a bent back when they get old.

Can you translate these sentences into Japanese?
(Watch the lesson first!)

1.  If you eat too many carrots, your skin turns orange.
Hint: Skin が "becomes" orange.
(We use the が particle to indicate what turns orange.)

2. If I take off glasses, I can't see anything.

3. When it rains, I feel gloomy.
Hint: "to feel gloomy / depressed / blue" = "mood" が "becomes dark".

4. If I don't drink alcohol, I get nervous and cannot talk to people.
Hint: Use the TE form to connect two verbs "get nervous" and "cannot talk".

5. If I don't speak Japanese for a long time, I get rusty.
Hint: "to get rusty" = "to become unskilled"

6. When you get pregnant, your belly (stomach) gets bigger.

7. If you don't brush your teeth, you get a cavity.

8. If you don't put sunscreen on, you get a sunburn.
Hint: 日焼けする(ひやけする) = to get tanned / a sunburn
日焼け止めクリーム(ひやけどめ くりーむ)= sunscreen

I'll write answers in another post :)



"IF" / "WHEN" (と vs たら vs とき) Differences



Where can we find answers to these exercises? :3


got'em! https://www.patreon.com/posts/answers-for-to-17352558