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Greetings everyone, this post is to announce that I will be doing an important Poll to select the order of the skins that will be released in the next 3 skin passes that are coming in the next 3 months. 

The reasons I'm going to take a vacation from creating content for smash to dedicate time to myself and do other personal projects that they haven't had time to do in months.

The most important thing of all is that nobody has to worry,
the patreon will continue to run as normal and without delays since I have enough content available to cover half of the pass (26) of September 2023, the big difference is that there will not be much activity of new skins in development being published on my twitter and that I will only enter the patreon once a day to review and respond to messages from Monday to Friday, so if you have any pending stuff with me, I recommend that your messages be simple and direct to the point of what you need from me to not overextend the wait to get what they want as quick as posible.

Now to the part that interests you the most, the Selection of the content of the next 3 passes that in total have to be 27 skins.

Currently this is the list of skins that I have that are 100% ready or only need the render to be released:  
Skin List

The selection method will be the following: I will post 8 to 9 publications with polls, which will have the skins already mentioned on the list, but this time I will open a special rule to have a balance so that the less popular characters have a chance, otherwise If i don't intervene ,only what is showing tits will win...

I called the special rules:  Nice Play and Evil Play.

Nice Play:
Those of the nice play are the traditional rules, the option with the most votes will be released this month, the second with the most votes next and the one with the fewest votes will be for August.

Evil Play: The results positions are random.

Example: If put: Pyra/Mytrha (Moo Moo Farm), Lucas (K-Poper) and King K Rool (Hot Dog Vendor) in the same poll and Pyra/Mytra have the most votes, k.rool 2nd place and lucar the 3rd.

The release of those skins would be like this example:

1st Place: August 2023

2nd Place: June 2023

3rd Place: July 2023.

*This is just an example , the positions will be always random with the Evil Play rules set*

Notes: The Same character can't have multiple skins on the same month. 

I think that explained in this way it is clear, but if you still have doubts, I will do my best to explain it and update the post.



Enjoy the much needed rest!


enjoy your time off. you deserve it! i'm also super excited for these skins