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Personal thoughts and Changes:

I mentioned by the 28 i should have a definitive conclusion , were here it is.

Do to the situation that hapend this past December 24th, the access to the full folder of mods will no longer be available since at the momment i wrote the post this past 25th i didn't noticed that my mega account was also affected so to keep my accounts safe for any future masive attack i will be sending old content to any active patreon subed to the now not available old silver or gold tiers.

Do me a list the mods you are missing and i will send then over when posible , since some mods were deleted from the archive , thanks to KilluafreacX , for sending me over alot of the missing mods.
Max amount 12 mods. This option will be valid till January 15th , to any subscriber subbed to any of those 2 tiers.

So if you need any of the old mods this is the final chance to get then, do me a list and contact me over private messages and i will manually will send it over. 


I will be doing a full rework on the Patreon tiers since after the situation that hapend (not the first time)

I came to two conclusions , the most definitive one is just to release to the public all those adult themed mods and stop doing those mods because those are always the issue with these people... I even find it unreal to hack someone personal accounts just for having some cartoon boobs on a game...

The second option is limit the access to the content available since is way to juicy to have always all that content on a single download link.

I honestly was just to go with option one since i just way to tired...

But  after reading opinions on private conversations i had with some of subscribers here , when they aproach me to see how i was doing, i cooled down a bit  and  i have picked the second option since the most apropiate option to have the most amount of people happy since the majority here is subbed here because of the adult themed mods , (thats what the numbers tell me).

Tier Rework info:

Bronze Smasher (5$US) Access to the E Rated skins of the montly skin pass.

(Diference here is that after the month ends any mod here will no longer be available on this tier instead of the last 30 days.

Silver Smasher (9$US) Access to the E Rated and adult themed skins of the montly skin pass.

(So if you are up to date and only want the new mods instead of being forced to pay for having all the other mods you probably already have, this tier is perfect)

Gold Smaher (12$US) Access to the E Rated and adult themed skins of the montly skin pass + access to 3 older skins of your preference of past skin passes. (One aegis skin counts as 3 skins Pyra/Mythra/Rex)

(In here i merging the option of having the past mods of the old silver and gold tier) 

All 3 tiers are now available if you are interested in doing the change before the 1st of January.

I honestly was fine with how things were running even when i was basically gifting all my content to any new subscribers  since i like people using my work but i just tired of dealing with this kind of situations.

I feel i forced to do the change , i was lucky to notice everything in time , but i don't know about the future.

If you are also subbed to my 3D art patreon account this new format is very similar to what i do there. but to respond to the jerk of that screamshot (Now deleted) , i only charge 5US as max on my art account , because , i upload like 6-8 renders a month and let new subscribers select 5 old past artwork.  I here i was letting access to all the content from july 2021 to present date , basically +100 mods.

Upcoming mods distribution:

For the current mods still on the pass this time  and future passes i will be sending one single download link over your DM's this link will contain an empty folder in which i will be adding the mods on the corresponding release date. They will be 2 links available one for Bronze and the other for Silver, the silver one will have the bronze tier content added by default.

The new format for gold tier will only consist if any patreon wants to request any old mod doing me a list of 3 mods.

Older post:

Since the doxer deleted alot of the older post making the page a total mess with no order. What i did was edit older post that still were available and rename then to Hanxulzmods Skin pass #X (Month and Year) , Compiling all the mods released on that month , indicating if a mod is already available to the public , and other data. 

If i have to take a positive point over the situation is that i was forced to reorganize the page , making it easier to find older mods , since now they are only like 30 post.

So from now on when a new skin pass is in the works , i will delete all the old indivual mods post and compile it like the past skin passes.

My Vacation:

I have cancelled my vacations till future notice...




It's a personal shame that this had to happen, as since I'm a newer sub with not a lot of free time, I missed out on a lot of your older skins, but I understand why this is the path you've chosen. Your skins are very well made, which is why I didn't mind paying for gold tier to show support for your craft. It's just a shame that one person had to ruin the fun for everyone.


Shift enter doesn't work on mobile :/ but please, take your vacation, give yourself some time to relax. Also I only have one question: will the 3 older skins requests refresh after each month, or am I only able to pick those three skins for the rest of my subscription?


booo take your vacations we will be fine <3 you deserve it