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EDIT: CODES SENT! if you did not get it , go to my DMs.

Hello everyone, December is here! I feel like this year flew by.

ok , greetings off , let's go to the important topic.
DL Folder codes

The codes will be sent tonight 12-01-2022 or later in the morning, so please be patient (This is aimed at new subscribers and those who returned) I have maintenance on my Mega account and I am waiting for patreon to update with the people who are still subscribed to send the new codes. Past this date if you did not get your codes , please contact me on my Private Messages.

SSBU Hanxulz Skin Pass: 18th

This skin pass will feature 18 skins , 9 December + 9 January , the releases of december will begin from this upcoming 10th with an interval between releases of 2 to 3 days till the 31th of December then the 2nd of January 2023 i will release a skin daily till the 10th of January completing my monthly responsibilities very early in the month.

All skin in the pass are basically completed for the most part, i only have to do UI for all of then so thats a thing that is going to take me a while and do a final revision on the rig , textures to improve , etc..

(Reminder what i post on my twitter are WIPs so it may not be the final look of the mod).

Personal status update.

I belive you may wonder , why the skin pass is "combined" instead of just do it like always , well because i  going to take a vacation from modding , originally i was just going to do release 9 skins this month and annouce my vacation at the end of the month, to return of february  but i know alot of people wanted some of the skins showed on my twitter and i did't want to keep then waiting till i return from my vacation.  

(Notes: This is not the moo moo farm modpack ,
but this december i will release 1 skin of the moo moo farm.

So basically i have being working on the content of the skin pass of January 2023 since the end of october to the end of november to have everything set.
My Vacation will begin from January 11th to March 05th 2023, since i really need some time off.

VERY IMPORTANT: After January 10th i will pause the billing cycle of this patreon account. (Won't be charging anyone the upcoming 1st of february , since i won't be working so you don't have to cancel your subscription if you want of course.

Well i belive thats all , if you read till the end, Thanks!


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